Looking for Opponent (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> Opponents Wanted


Sash21 -> Looking for Opponent (4/6/2016 3:20:32 AM)


someone want to start a campaign with me?


Scenario #7 - The full campaign (Quite China)
That means neighter movements nor combat on Chinese soil, except Hong Kong.

Turn Cycle: 1

Advanced Weather Effects: Yes
Allied Damage Control: No
Player Defined Upgrades: Yes
Historical First Turn: No
December 7th Surprise: No
Reliable USN Torpedoes: No
Realistic R&D: Yes
No Unit Withdrawals: No
Reinforcement: +/- 15

Fog of War: on
Auto Sub Ops: off
Set All Facilities To Expand At Start: No
Automatic Upgrade for Air Groups: No
Accept Air and Ground Replacements: No

Additional rules:
No Low-level bombing for 4E-Bombers

I left it for you to pick side.

Interested? Donīt hesitate and contact me.

Best regards,

Alfred -> RE: Looking for Opponent (4/6/2016 5:07:53 AM)

For a PBEM there is no point in choosing a Quiet China scenario.  The AI, not a human player, is restricted in its strategy in a Quiet China scenario.


Sash21 -> RE: Looking for Opponent (4/6/2016 5:56:15 AM)



...The AI, not a human player, is restricted in its strategy in a Quiet China scenario.


Hey Al,

I know it. Correct me if i am wrong, but i canīt see any problem to play this scenario as pbem, if both human players agree that the Chinese aera(and units) will be ignored.


edrahil1 -> RE: Looking for Opponent (4/7/2016 11:32:51 PM)

I could play you as the japanese

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