windows 10 compatibility testing (Full Version)

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zakblood -> windows 10 compatibility testing (4/15/2016 9:06:42 AM)

test pc used, with a fresh install of the latest windows 10 version, windows 10 home, version number 1511, build 10586


zakblood -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (4/15/2016 9:18:17 AM)



zakblood -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (4/15/2016 9:18:39 AM)



zakblood -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (4/15/2016 9:18:57 AM)



zakblood -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (4/15/2016 9:19:18 AM)



zakblood -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (4/15/2016 9:19:36 AM)



zakblood -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (4/15/2016 9:19:54 AM)



zakblood -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (4/15/2016 9:20:11 AM)

so right out of the box with latest update used, works on full screen on windows 10


planetbrain -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (6/13/2016 2:50:10 AM)

ORIGINAL: zakblood

"so right out of the box with latest update used, works on full screen on windows 10"

Not necessarily. Works fine on my laptop dual graphics. Not on my desktop dedicated graphics (still no scenario listing).
Both are Win10 64 bit.

planetbrain -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (6/13/2016 8:33:00 AM)

Interesting! Same desktop machine, installed on a different drive and it works as intended!
I don't get it but I've got it

zakblood -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (7/26/2016 6:41:59 PM)

any luck as yet with the desktop one?

what antivirus engine does both use?

worked fine for me on default one with win 10 home and pro 64bit, so should be able to get desktop one working as well, can help if needed

planetbrain -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (7/29/2016 8:02:52 AM)

Both machines use avast. I have the idea that it's down to disk size i.e. over what a 32 bit machine normally 'sees' and the problem arises.
Haven't tested this yet due to too much to do. No time for the finer things in life just now.

major.pain -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (4/28/2017 11:32:30 AM)

Was this ever fixed so the Scenario list actually displayed.
Just recently installed on a W10 machine and the scenarios are not displaying.
Tried with the 1.0 install, 104 and 104 Beta patch.
Install like above running as admin ect but no joy.
The game wont update itself through the launchers "Check For Updates" option i just get error while its trying to connect so i downloaded the patches separate.
I can still play if i select "Load other scenarios" option and the game still runs fine on a W7 machine so just with the W10 install??

budd -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (4/28/2017 5:54:11 PM)

For me, i had to install the game on the C drive/main windows install drive to see the scenarios. I initially installed on D drive and couldn't see the scenario list. If your already on C/main windows drive, no idea. I'm on windows 10

major.pain -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (4/29/2017 10:47:28 AM)

Cheers budd your solution worked for me also, must just be yet another quirk of W10.

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