Shannon V. OKeets -> Hot Patch 02 02 02 00 (5/4/2016 10:58:57 PM)
Attached is a zipped file that contains Release Notes and the new MWIF.exe: version The primary reason for making this available as a hot patch is #2 below which fixes a problem newly created in the Public Beta version === Release Notes for Version Air Operations 1. Fixed a problem with rebasing carrier air units from a land hex to another land hex. This problem only occurred if the carrier air unit had been aboard a naval transport earlier in the game. Use Oil 2. Fixed a newly created bug in Use Oil when there is an HQ that is acting as a Primary Supply Source. The bug was created by adding the option to use oil from cooperating major powers. Production Planning 3. Added code so when a neutral major power receives a message about trying to save more than 1 oil point, the message now reports the location of the previously saved oil point. 4. Fixed a problem in Production Planning where it was possible for an oil resource Lost due to strategic bombing might appear in the list of resources for a major power on each side. 5. Fixed a problem in Production Planning with searching for the best sea route for a convoy to reach its destination where the program was calculating the nearest sea area to a destination based on the closest hex within the sea area. That made Cape Verde closer to London that the Central Atlantic. The change I made was to use the Zero Section box in the sea area for the calculation. That makes the Central Atlantic closer to London than Cape Verde, with the result that the program prefers sending oil from South America to London through the Central Atlantic over sending it through Cape Verde. 6. Added code so if a trade agreement commitment to send a resource (oil or non-oil) is not fulfilled, then the number of resources short the sender is of fulfilling the commitment are lost. That information appears in the Production Planning form for the sending major power. 7. Fixed a problem blue factories that were captured and later recaptured not being able to produce - unless there was a red factory in the hex that was repaired. Now the blue factories are always able to be used in production if they are controlled by their original owners and are undamaged. This clears up several problems with the Main form’s report on damaged factories in a hex as well as using those blue factories for production. 8. Fixed a problem with sending resources from neutral minor countries when the resource is in the ZOC of an enemy unit [i.e., the resource is in a hex next to the border and an enemy (of the receiving major power) unit is in an adjacent hex]. Production 9. Fixed a problem with the Scrap form when showing the Destroyed units sometimes not including the USSR units for the USSR; it had been only showing the Communist Chinese. Peace: Conquest, Liberation, Surrender, Vichy France, Claims 10. Fixed the last problem with the Axis conquering the Commonwealth and thereby the world. 11. Added a check so forts are only destroyed when control of their hex goes to the other side. This had been a problem in Singapore, when Malaysia was conquered but the Commonwealth still controlled Singapore. Now the forts remain in Singapore until the hex becomes controlled by the Axis. Save/Restore Game 12. Added code to fix saved games when they are restored if the US has chosen the US Entry Option to occupy Greenland and Iceland yet the hexes in those governed areas have not been converted to US control. This might also fix any future problems in future game with converting those hexes to US control when that US Entry Option is chosen. NetPlay 13. There were no NetPlay specific changes for this release. However, almost all of the changes made above affected NetPlay as well as Solitaire and Head-to-head play.