WitW Living Manual (Full Version)

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Joel Billings -> WitW Living Manual (5/10/2016 12:11:15 AM)

Thanks to the efforts of a few members of the WitW community, we can provide you with a pdf living manual (attached zip file, eventually we will get this into future updates of the game). We have reviewed all of the New Features and Rule Change items in the readme notes and placed those that impact the manual at the end of the relevant sections of the manual. In addition there is an addendum (new section 28) with all the New Feature and Rule Change items listed. We are not able to provide screenshots within this manual, but it does have a TOC with jump links to each of the items in the TOC. You can use this living manual as a reference if you have a question about whether a particular rule has changed.

This manual is up to date through the most recent Public Beta 1.01.31. Since each item is listed with the version number and date when it was added to the game, a player using the 1.01.20 official version can use this document and ignore any items listed as 1.01.31 changes.

We want to thank Bob Pendleton for doing the bulk of the work in putting this together, as well as dereck and ReadyR for their help in identifying where some of the readme items should be placed in the manual. In addition, thanks to Marco at Matrix for providing us with a text version of the final manual in a format that we could work with, and Erik for helping us with some of our formatting issues.

We will try to periodically update this manual as additional changes are made to the game. If you see any items that you feel would be better listed in a different part of the manual, please let us know what the item is and where you think it should go and we'll look into correcting it in a future update.

bairdlander2 -> RE: WitW Living Manual (5/10/2016 2:36:34 AM)

Manual states 26.7.3 command capacity for corps hq 10cp...yet an example of how to calculate a leader check in the living manual states corps hq have command capacity of 8 cp.Which is correct?

Joel Billings -> RE: WitW Living Manual (5/10/2016 4:49:02 PM)

Corps command capacities are 10 or 11 per the chart in 26.7.3. The reason the example has an 8 is likely because it came from the War in the East manual where HQs in 1941 have a command capacity of 8.

There is a change that should be noted for some of the Torch scenarios that start as early as November 1942. From November 1942 through March 1943, the HQ Command Capacities are as follows:

Corps 9
Army 27
Army Group 108 (81 for the Allies)
In April 43 they rise to the levels listed in the manual for 7/43-3/44.

rickier65 -> RE: WitW Living Manual (5/10/2016 6:27:12 PM)

I just wanted to add my thanks to Joel and the folks responsible for this manual update. Having an up-to-date manual is really helpful to those folks that are learning the game.


jhdeerslayer -> RE: WitW Living Manual (5/14/2016 1:37:01 PM)


Icier -> RE: WitW Living Manual (8/9/2016 1:06:36 AM)

+ 1 + 1

tombo -> RE: WitW Living Manual (10/14/2016 11:03:30 PM)

..this really helps as i'm ready to start again

cheers and thanks!

GBS -> RE: WitW Living Manual (10/22/2016 1:22:21 PM)

The new living manual I have is dated 5/4/16. is this the one included in the new 37 patch??

Joel Billings -> RE: WitW Living Manual (8/14/2018 3:37:29 PM)

FYI, there is a 1.08 version of the living manual that is dated 5/22/2018 and has changes listed up through version 1.02.28. Every game update includes an updated version of the living manual.

NavalNewZ -> RE: WitW Living Manual (8/15/2018 3:58:37 AM)


stolypin -> RE: WitW Living Manual (8/15/2018 3:22:50 PM)





FYI, there is a 1.08 version of the living manual that is dated 5/22/2018 and has changes listed up through version 1.02.28. Every game update includes an updated version of the living manual.

Thanks, Joel.

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