somi83 -> RE: Restricting weapon launch on hostile only when it enters a prosecution area? (5/15/2016 8:57:34 AM)
A bit ago I noticed that my aircraft were not engaging enemy units inside the prosecution zone I had setup for them in the mission planner, but because I am a wee bit inexperienced with the game I thought I had somehow set them up wrong, so I stopped using them and just setup patrol zones instead... Just to clarify your problem, when you set prosecution zone did you used option "investigate contacts outside patrol area"? in mission planner. If not, that is the source of your problem. In mission planner you can use this option in two ways, first is when you don't have prosecution area set up, planes will leave patrol area, and engage everything that is detected. Second is with the prosecution area set, they will engage only targets in prosecution area even if they are detected outside of it.