Peter Fisla -> RE: Three quick questions (5/18/2016 9:09:01 PM)
ORIGINAL: UP844 1. Are the dates of availability for AFVs/Ordnance/SW hardcoded? (in other words, does the game allow selecting Pershings in 1942?) 2. Is there a single type (3-hex range) of Panzerfaust? 3. Infantry gains a favourable height advantage modifier. Is this also true for AFVs? (i.e. is an AFV at higher elevation harder to hit or to kill, being considered hull down)? Conversely, is an AFV at lower elevetion easier to kill (greater chance of hits on top armor?) 1) No, but the special ammunition does depend on historical scenario date 2) The game has 3 versions of Panzerfaust, depending on the historical scenario date 3) There is no concept of hull down in the game for AFVs. Off top of my head, Infantry and its SW does have the ability to get height advantage bonus. I'm at work right now so I can't check my code.