Grim.Reaper -> RE: Nobody's talking about Total War Warhammer??? (5/29/2016 11:29:26 AM)
I currently own Warhammer (and every other Total War game released), but wouldn't consider myself an expert or die-hard. Just someone who enjoys playing the games for what they are. However, not sure I agree with all the comments, which that certainly is fine since everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but just some of my own thoughts. Although its not history based, it still seems to be an enjoyable game that is getting fairly good reviews and opens it up to a larger audience. quote:
ORIGINAL: zakblood Rome 2 had too many error's, far too many DLC's, and they upset too many buyers with the forums and direction taken, other games they listened, with Rome 2 they think they knew it all, so i decided to not support them any more and buy there games. When Attila came out as a totally new game, which let's face it, it could have been another DLC, it didn't alter my views. Yes, the original releases were buggy and disappointing to many, but they did stick with it and released countless updates to put it back into the right direction. They could have abandoned and moved on to their next version. I believe many people would say the end product turned out reasonably well even if a difficult road to get there. As for DLC and such, that will always be a personal choice as to whether to support or not, but shouldn't take away from the game itself. It's rare that any game is released in a condition that doesn't require a number of updates and DLC is the rage with most of them. The company that owns this forum has their own fair share of DLC and some releases that certainly were not stellar. I also think social media/forums have really become stronger during the release of the newer versions, versus when the total war series started out. If it was first released today like it was back then, I am pretty certain it would have the same critics and issues the newer versions have just because more people are playing, reading, and discussing it. quote:
ORIGINAL: zakblood Warhammer is different, but i have no interest what so ever in that direction and for me it's gone the wrong way, seems they wish to keep the kids happy, but not the others who used to buy there stuff, shame, but may make more business sense but unless a war theater comes out and the games go back to how there where, i won't buy another. It's fine not to like the subject matter, but I don't think this is a game soley made for "kids". The fantasy setting of Warhammer is popular for many people of all ages from what I understand. I'll admit when it first was announced, I wasn't a big fantasy fan but after playing it, I actually think it brings freshness to the series. And if your referring to the fact that maybe they made it more accessible for people, then personally I like that myself even being an "older" person. I know some folks might enjoy more hard core stuff and that is fine..but making a game about Warhammer and more accessible doesn't mean it is only a game for kids. You also mention arcadey and eye candy...sure, the wargaming crowd can live with less graphics, but globally most people want the eye candy and call for it...and this is from players of any age. quote:
ORIGINAL: zakblood seems some engines got liked and supported more, but no more than Rome 1 did and is still being, for me the highest supported and still the most modded version of any from the series, makes you think maybe? or not... It's too early for comparisons between versions, Warhammer just came out so there certainly will be less topics and mods for them. Its also possible that with more current versions, less mods are needed. Many people also like to hold onto the classics and demonstrate their skills with them, which is certainly fine. quote:
ORIGINAL: zakblood so to again go back and stay on topic, no it's not a bad game, and some like me don't have interest in it, but it's not a great game, as proven by the lack of interest in it or talks / threads on it. Not sure how you can say it is a good or great game since I didn't think you owned it? You mentioned earlier you don't take the advice of just reviewers as well. As for lack of interest, might not be a lot of talk in this forum which is understandable, but it is certainly being discussed in many other places with countless reviews, videos, and guides. Many people who are playing it are calling it the best version of Total War. Some of that will likely wear off once the newness goes away, but does appear to offer something a little different, even if not a great thing for history minded folks. quote:
ORIGINAL: zakblood edited again, hope i don't sound like or come across as a know it all, i'm not saying i'm right and everyone else is wrong either, i't just on average i spend anywhere from 20 to 40+ hours a week testing games, so in my free evening time, i tend to play only games that i like and have interest in, with each year only a few more adding to that list. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but Warhammer itself should be based on its own merits, not the history of the other games. Yes, it only comes with 4 factions (plus 1 additional free for the first week), but it does seem to have a solid base and really does seem to play differently.....will it become a classic, who knows.