Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Japanese Carrier Planes missing the Class Num (5/30/2016 4:20:27 AM)
ORIGINAL: Coaltar Wow! Very fast reply. I appreciate it for sure. Well I was going to post a screenshot but it errors when I tried to attach it with a path that starts with "fakepath". I did go look at all the carrier planes for the US, CW and Japan and none of them have the carrier class number on them. I have not messed with any colors (I barely know how to move a land unit yet :)) Using carrier air units is an optional rule. But even if that rule is not in use, the carriers themselves should have the carrier classes on the unit depictions. Attachments have to be gif/txt/jpg/zip files. I always use JPG for screenshots. When selecting which file to post, I just use the browse button, rather than risk typing in a file name.