Wendeng AFB 2016 (Full Version)

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Rudd -> Wendeng AFB 2016 (6/2/2016 11:44:03 PM)

A quick overview of Wendeng

Apparently the 12th Fighter Division, 36th Air Regiment's J-7s have been changed over to the J-10.

Layout of the airbase 3/2016.


Rudd -> RE: Wendeng AFB 2016 (6/2/2016 11:45:56 PM)

Closeup of new HAS
Thanks Hongjian


Rudd -> RE: Wendeng AFB 2016 (6/3/2016 12:11:19 AM)

J-10 confirmation at 37.180274°, 122.231318° in 3/26/2016 imagery near maintenance hangar.

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