wqc12345 -> ECMNumberOfTargets Parameter (6/7/2016 12:29:09 AM)
I was perusing the DB and noted a difference in "ECMNumberOfTargets: 4" parameter for a number of different OECM weapons. Does this mean that each "pod" can target "randomly" within range? or "iteratively" in range? 4 targets? Some of the "pods" had a "ECMNumberOfTargets: 8" value. Meaning, 8 SAM/Radar sites are max targets? Just curious mainly.. One other thing I also noticed is that DECM modules didn't populate the "ECMNumberOfTargets" value, meaning, is it "infinite" ? or just "around the aircraft". Just a POK value? or I percent reduction. No, # of targets it can adequately handle. I guess that makes sense..I guess curiosity killed the cat you know, or the Rafale in this case.