Bullwinkle58 -> Underway Replenishment Test (6/9/2016 3:54:24 PM)
In response to another thread currently active concerning 1945 AE underway replenishment of naval ammunition I ran some tests. This feature of the game is not well-documented in the manual. For a long time I, and others, have believed and stated that only 5-inch and smaller ammunition would be replenished by Allied-only, AEs-only, from 1/1/45 onward. However, this old post from Don Bowen, naval coder on the dev team, refutes that: "Late in the war, AEs were equipped for transfer of ammunition to ships at sea. Prior to that, AEs could only transfer to ships when they were alongside in a port. The only difference between AE and AKE is this late war underway rearmament. AEs and AKEs come in all sizes, with only the larger ones having the capability of handling the shells for the really big guns. We wanted to allow small AE/AKE for rearmament of smaller warships without creating a "cheat" where an incredibly small ship could handle the largest ammo. This was implemented using the total cargo capacity. In this regard, total cargo capacity stands in for the magazine size and protection, cranes and elevators, hatch sizes, deck reinforcement, and all the other items involved in carrying and issuing ammunition. This check on total cargo capacity is in addition to the supply requirement for actual issue of ammunition. Basically, total cargo capacity indicates the ability to carry ammunition of a certain size and supply on board indicates if any ammunition is actually being carried. " Don Bowen http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3543680&mpage=1&key=AEs? (Font size embellishment mine.) But how, exactly, does onboard supply relate to replenishment capability? So I ran some tests. ----------------------------------------------------------- I used the Downfall scenario for all tests. It takes place in 1945 when AEs may unrep ammo. It uses the same EXE as a GC game. 1. First set of tests. Based from Guam. A. I used the editor to unload just USS New Jersey. All guns were unloaded to 2 rounds, except the 20mm, which I left alone. So this was main battery 16 in, 5 in, and the 40MMs. I formed NJ into a Surface TF, moved her one hex west of Guam, and Remained. I formed a Replenishment TF of just Mt. Baker, a 5400 point supply AE. Loaded her, moved her to New Jersey's hex with Remain. Ordered New Jersey to Replenish. Result: fuel transferred (minor quantity.) No ammunition of any caliber moved. NJ remained as before. Mt. Baker remained with 5400 supply onboard. B. Same as above, but added USS Shasta, a second 5400 supply AE. Combined to one Replenishment TF. Ordered NJ to Replenish. Result: no ammo of any caliber moved. C. Added USS Mazana. 5400 supply. Result: no ammo moved. D. Added USS Ranier. 5400 supply. Result: no ammo moved. E. Added USS Lassen. 5400 supply. Result: no ammo moved. F. Removed all AEs. Loaded and sent AE USS Firedrake, a 6400 supply capacity AE. Ordered New Jersey to Replenish just from this one, larger, AE. Result: no ammo moved. Conclusions from first set of tests: a. Surprise b. Wondering if use of editor somehow "broke" algorithm c. Wondering if there is a threshold demand level on taking vessel below which AEs cannot service without port help. 2. Second set of tests. Clean Downfall. Based from Guam. A. Did not use editor. Formed three Bombardment TFs. DD Ault, CA Boston, BB Iowa. Fully loaded with ammo and fuel at Guam. Each ordered to go to HaHa-Jima and bombard. B. Sent loaded AE Ranier to Remain just south of HaHa-Jima. C. DD Ault bombarded. Met AE Rainier, Replenished. Full ammo load resulted. D. Reloaded save to pre-bombardment point where AE was pristine. Sent CA Boston to bombard. She met AE Ranier. Replenished. Full ammo, including expended 8 inch, replenished. E. Reloaded to pre-bombardment point. Sent BB Iowa to bombard. She met AE Ranier. Ammo loads pre-replenish as follows: 7 (13) 16 inch 7(13) 16 inch 30(30) 5 inch 28(30) 5 inch 36(36) all remaining AA Post Replenish: All ammo reloaded. Condition of AE Ranier: Supply 5400 --> 4812 3. Third round of tests. A. Same general set-up as above. HaHa-Jima, etc. However, this time only BB Iowa used. Ordered to stay on station after bombardment. Total of three rounds of bombardment performed. Ammo loads after three rounds of bombardment: 2(13) 2(13) 28(30) 28(30) 36(36) all AA B. Ordered AE Ranier to Replenish. Result: no ammo loaded of any caliber. 310 ops points expended by BB Iowa taking fuel from Ranier's bunkers. Conclusions of Rounds 2 and 3: a. 5 inch and smaller belief in forum clearly untrue (see CA Boston) b. 16 inch will reload in some cases c. There seems to be a break-point somewhere between 7(13) and 2(13) 16 inch whereby the AE is "frozen out" and does no replenishing. 4. Fourth round of tests. A. Using above set-up as base, left BB Iowa at 2(13), etc. level, off Ha-Ha-Jima. To eliminate ops points from Ranier for refuel, loaded 12,950 AO Pautuxent at Guam and met new AE Mt. Baker, which had not tried any ammo ops in this test run. Merged to form 2-ship Replenishment TF. Moved BB Iowa into their hex. B. Ordered BB Iowa to Replenish. Result: no ammo loaded to Iowa of any caliber. Iowa refueled from AO. AO supply from 12950 ---> 12,799. AE supply 5400 ---> 5400 BB Iowa ops points 250 after refuel. Overall conclusions: a. In certain cases underway replenishment of large caliber ammo is possible. There is an unknown break-point between moderate need and severe need on 16 inch ammo whereby even a large collection of AE capacity will not service. b. If below this break point, even 5inch and small caliber AA ammo will not replenish, leaving the large caliber demand unfilled. No ammo moves at all, although fuel does, from both an AE or an AO in company.