Air Supply Drop (Full Version)

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sajer -> Air Supply Drop (6/12/2016 7:29:38 PM)

I know this is a stupid question.

But how do you air drop supplies and most important fuel to advancing units.

Keep in mind I just started playing the game again after 6 six years.

morvael -> RE: Air Supply Drop (6/12/2016 7:36:59 PM)

You need to have transport groups in airbases that are no more than 5 MP from rail hex.
Switch to air transport mode (F9).
Left click source airbase hex (those with transports, should be highlighted in yellow).
Shift-right click target hex.
Select who flies and who does not (try to have some escorts), what is transported, and who is the target.

If you are able, put an airbase in target hex or in a hex next to it. If that hex was controlled by you at start of turn (it's not shaded using "e" mode), and it's a clear or light woods or a city hex, then your none of dropped cargo will be wasted. Otherwise you'll only drop successfuly about one third of dropped fuel.

sajer -> RE: Air Supply Drop (6/12/2016 7:52:51 PM)

That may explain it. I have my air unit way up the front line and not within 5 hexes of a friendly rail hex. Is that right?

Also moving my air unit to the intended target hex would take it out of range of a friendly rail hex???

morvael -> RE: Air Supply Drop (6/12/2016 7:56:42 PM)

5 hexes may be too much, it must be 5 MP (movement points). So usually 1-2 hexes from working rail.

sajer -> RE: Air Supply Drop (6/12/2016 8:28:55 PM)

Thanks Morvael!

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