Crash with 1.01 patch... (Full Version)

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jack54 -> Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/13/2016 10:36:52 PM)

Hi Everybody,

First try with the new Patch "matrix version".... CTD during AI turn... England had just moved forces to Sweden and Russian forces started moving then the crash.

Log attached.

mcgarrytim -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/14/2016 12:00:31 AM)

Same thing happened to me. Attached is log.

mercenarius -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/14/2016 1:03:59 AM)

There appears to be a problem with some of the resources when the "Large" interface elements are used. I am looking into this. I'll post a hotfix as soon as I figure out what exactly has gone wrong. I have duplicated this error. I don't understand how it got through testing.

I apologize profusely for your inconvenience. [:(]

The only immediate work-around is to manually select another size of interface elements. I recommend that you choose to use the "medium" size until I correct the error with the database. Navigate main menu-> Controls and Preferences -> Advanced Controls. Uncheck the box "Use Automatic Settings" and select "Medium Elements" from the list. Then Return to Main Menu and exit the game. Then restart the game and you should be OK. At least, it will correct this particular error. I'll have to test more before I can be more definite.

Again, I am very sorry for this problem. I'll post more as soon as I figure out how this is happening.

jack54 -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/14/2016 1:24:29 AM)

Thanks James [:)]

mercenarius -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/14/2016 3:16:43 AM)

Thanks for your patient attitude, Jack LIV [:)]

Well, apparently a bit flipped in the database file that I used for the Matrix games build. That file should be identical to the Napoleon.dat that is used with the Steam version. One resource is different: the graphic used for the Allied Event Card played dialog (when the "large" interface elements are in use). This must have happened after I tested the two builds but before I uploaded them to the production team.

OK, the short answer is that the work-around I mentioned above should be good. Navigate Main Menu-> Controls and Preferences-> Advanced Controls and manually choose a different size configuration. The "medium" size is the closest match to what the game would use automatically for your screen size. Then restart the game and you should be good to go for the meantime.

I'll contact the production team tomorrow and I'll see what they want to do. At a minimum I will prepare some kind of a hotfix for any players who are afflicted with this error.

I am very sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused you.

James Warshawsky

jack54 -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/14/2016 4:28:25 PM)

I followed your instructions and that seems to work. Re-played same save with no issue. Thanks for the quick responce[;)]

Wee Sodjer -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/20/2016 12:55:32 PM)

Hi mercenarius, how is the fix coming along? I have used your workaround and it's good, but I'll feel more relaxed when the fix comes through.


mercenarius -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/20/2016 1:41:46 PM)

Hi Jim,

The Matrix update files have been corrected and you should be able to run the usual update procedure. It will download the corrected file.

If you have any problem with running the update procedure please let me know.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Wee Sodjer -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/21/2016 9:00:37 PM)

Just to say a big thank you to mercenarius and all who fixed the issue.


James Ward -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/22/2016 11:23:11 PM)

The download section lists version 1.01 june 13. Is that the updated fix?

mercenarius -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/23/2016 4:22:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: James Ward

The download section lists version 1.01 june 13. Is that the updated fix?


mercenarius -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/23/2016 4:24:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: Wee Sodjer

Just to say a big thank you to mercenarius and all who fixed the issue.


The thanks really go to the production team, but I do appreciate your kind words!

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