mercenarius -> RE: Crash with 1.01 patch... (6/14/2016 3:16:43 AM)
Thanks for your patient attitude, Jack LIV [:)] Well, apparently a bit flipped in the database file that I used for the Matrix games build. That file should be identical to the Napoleon.dat that is used with the Steam version. One resource is different: the graphic used for the Allied Event Card played dialog (when the "large" interface elements are in use). This must have happened after I tested the two builds but before I uploaded them to the production team. OK, the short answer is that the work-around I mentioned above should be good. Navigate Main Menu-> Controls and Preferences-> Advanced Controls and manually choose a different size configuration. The "medium" size is the closest match to what the game would use automatically for your screen size. Then restart the game and you should be good to go for the meantime. I'll contact the production team tomorrow and I'll see what they want to do. At a minimum I will prepare some kind of a hotfix for any players who are afflicted with this error. I am very sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused you. James Warshawsky