jonj01 -> ai afv attack when ai is in "hold" stance. (6/20/2016 10:07:44 PM)
testing a scenario, the ai does a great job at defending a set hex ins "hold". not so good in "attacking" a hex in hold mode. the tanks just sit at edge despite the human having control of 1/3 of victory point hexes. what works to get afv's attacking? i have a couple ideas but scenario is huge, and i don't want to get to turn 15 (again) only to find all afv's taking a break at their entry point. 1) set up victory hexes so human already has the majority of victory points by the time the afvs come on board (This means the human will always almost win) 2) set afv's in "defend a hex" mode and set the hex on the other side of map. any suggestions?