2D Terrain mod (Full Version)

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Warhorse -> 2D Terrain mod (6/25/2016 5:29:20 PM)

Picture from an ongoing PBEM, Battle of Mokra, with textured 2d terrain mod.

EF Terrain

WF Terrain-https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmEaW_rdp6RpgSKx2Jwx4Hgd70Ah

RS Terrain-https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmEaW_rdp6RpgSO_u_QDBXfKHTku

New 2d rails!! Just unzip into Ef, WF, RS.-https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmEaW_rdp6RpgSazAvQQuJYpTaIw


gabeeg -> RE: 2D Terrain mod (6/29/2016 4:29:33 AM)

I like it, thanks!

Citizen Emperor -> RE: 2D Terrain mod (6/29/2016 7:11:30 PM)

That looks terrific!

Warhorse -> RE: 2D Terrain mod (6/30/2016 12:47:00 AM)

Thanks fellahs!! WF and RS versions are done now, will post them as well soon.

budd -> RE: 2D Terrain mod (6/30/2016 2:37:05 AM)

very nice, made me realize i hadn't installed CS on my new laptop, corrected that. Man do i miss the other 2d zoom and the mouse wheel zoom from ME.

Warhorse -> RE: 2D Terrain mod (6/30/2016 9:28:06 PM)

I hear ya!

Warhorse -> RE: 2D Terrain mod (7/1/2016 9:25:32 PM)

Post one updated to include links for the WF and RS versions. Set up for use with JSGME, enjoy!

budd -> RE: 2D Terrain mod (7/2/2016 1:01:00 AM)

lovely work sir. Locked and loaded thank you. Question, is there a 2d counter mod without so much border, where the nato symbol takes up more space or a bigger counter that works with the scale? hard to see using the most zoomed in 2D mode.

Warhorse -> RE: 2D Terrain mod (7/2/2016 2:45:24 AM)

Not that I'm aware of, believe me, I for one would LOVE that as well! I'm spoiled by the bigger 2d size in CSME, the counters in these WW2 games might be able to be sized up just a tad, but probably wouldn't make much difference, and would obscure everything in the hex! I'm pretty sure I played around with this many years ago, and that's what I found to be true. As you probably figured out from all the tons of NATO/military symbols I added in ME, I'm a HUGE 2d symbols fan!!

Thanks for trying out the terrain, appreciate it!

budd -> RE: 2D Terrain mod (7/2/2016 4:12:12 AM)

Thank you, the terrain is great, its a keeper[:)] I use windows magnifier, it helps a lot. Yea kinda spoiled by ME, you guys are doing a great job.

Warhorse -> RE: 2D Terrain mod (7/3/2016 3:15:57 AM)

Post one updated to include new 2d rails.

Warhorse -> WF 2D Terrain mod (7/3/2016 2:46:14 PM)

West Front terrain, with new 2d rails.


Warhorse -> RS 2D Terrain mod (7/3/2016 2:50:44 PM)

And Rising Sun with new terrain and rails.


Edorf -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (4/30/2019 2:56:40 AM)


Do anyone have the EF-terrain files? The Dropbox link is no longer available.

Profender -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (1/2/2020 11:42:29 AM)

excuse me for maybe a dumb question so this mod replaces the 3d view I see on the screenshots?

Warhorse -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (1/2/2020 4:11:19 PM)

No, this is 2D only, the 4 and 5 key views.

Warhorse -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (1/2/2020 4:13:52 PM)

Right click on the ef link, then save target as, I just tried it, it works.

Profender -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (1/2/2020 4:34:29 PM)

Thank you for your reply. So these are map views gotcha.

Warhorse -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (1/2/2020 9:21:10 PM)

You are quite welcome!

mimarsp -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (5/14/2020 5:43:24 PM)

I'm still loving this game for so long. I'm running in v.2.02.
As to EF map download... I have same problem as Edorf... the dropbox is pg 404. I can't get it on either PC or Mac.
The right click for "save target" does NOT appear on either platform.
Also, I have successfully downloaded both WF & RS and Rails...
My concern is... WHERE DO I EXTRACT THESE FILES TO. Which folder within the JTCS pm Folder?
I have never used the JSGME (completely numb to i)t. Hope its not necessary to use.

Warhorse -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (6/12/2020 4:28:20 PM)

Can you please email me at impalass(at)ptd(dot)net? I don'y get on here enough, sorry about that!

Warhorse -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (6/12/2020 4:53:36 PM)

Updated the first post, new link for the ef terrain.

mimarsp -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (6/12/2020 5:03:41 PM)

Mike A. if you're on here, I couldn't contact you at that cryptic address you gave.

skc -> RE: RS 2D Terrain mod (10/10/2020 7:51:07 AM)

I've just bought JTPC and must say found the interface rather bland. These look stunning! Thank you.
One question: How and where do I install? Do I just find appropriate folder, back up the originals, and copy over? An which folder?

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