Units.csv File (Full Version)

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lionel1957 -> Units.csv File (6/28/2016 8:30:55 PM)

Will all of the scenarios and campaigns (US Pacific, US Marine, Rising Sun, Morning Sun) use the same units.csv file located in Content/Data?

Lukas -> RE: Units.csv File (6/28/2016 10:47:17 PM)

Yes. Once Skirmish mode is done every nation will be able to fight with and/or against any other nation so everything is part of the same dataset.

AceDuceTrey -> RE: Units.csv File (3/27/2017 7:07:09 PM)

Will the Editor be given the starting scenarios (ala PC) so that the starting units can be given historical names/redeployed?

AceDuceTrey -> RE: Units.csv File (4/7/2017 5:28:57 PM)

Shouldn't the first strategic bomber able to be purchased have been the (Army's) Ki=21 (Sally)- instead of the Navy's G3M?
Also the Navy used letter designations for the roles of their aircraft:
A=Fighter[A5 CLAUDE,A6 ZERO]; B=Torpedo Bomber[B5 KATE,B6 JILL]]; D=Dive Bomber[D3 VAL,D4 JUDY]; G=Long Range (Land Based) Patrol/Torpedo Bomber[G3 NELL,G4 BETTY]; H= Long Range(Float Plane) Patrol/Torpedo Bomber[H7? MAVIS,H8 EMILY].

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