Skywalker -> Economy... bug? (6/30/2016 9:50:41 AM)
Hello everyone, i am in a bit of a jam here. Long story short - biggest galaxy, uber expencive research, crazy neighbors and so on. Game is pretty hard and filled with tough pirates. Itsa setup i've been running for a while now and usualy I end up with negative income, whatever i do. Yesterday i started another game. Had like 50-90k income and its been fluctuating a bit. Suddenly, out of the blue it drops to -98000 !!! Just like that. No massive buildups, no loss of half the mines, nothing of sorts. Only event i noticed was that one of my new colonies (it was allready populated by my species) suddenly got hidden pirate base and almost immediately income went down. But what kind of a pirate action can siphon almost 200 000 creds nonstop? And when i busted it - income never returned to it former numbers. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.