Crossroads -> RE: What size scenarios do you prefer? (7/12/2016 7:35:42 AM)
I voted for the first four options. I really like a quick Battalion sized engagement vs HAL when I have a moment or three for that. Lots of fun, and less room for errors should I manage to send the few troops to peril's end. For H2H one-on-ones I like anything between Regt-to-Div sized scenarios. Investing the time for a PBEM, it is nice there's options available, and that one badly ended skirmish does not dictate the end result. Corps sized scenarios are then the top of the crop for H2H with teams for both sides. 3-on-3 is my current favorite, and you really need a Corps size event for that. A 2-on-2 can be played with Div sized engagement as well, but for that more the merrier holds out for me as well. I've seen some true monsters out there, and really appreciate them. I have not tackled anything in that size yet though, so left that option empty. [:)]