stuart3 -> RE: Is there a future in wargaming with games like Pokemon Go? (7/17/2016 10:59:40 AM)
Is there a future for wargames? .... But I don't think there's a lot of wisdom in pretending it will outlive us. It is far too early to write the wargame's obituary. Back in the late 70's, early 80's my local wargame group was reinforced by a group of teenagers who joined in sufficient numbers to change the nature of many of the games played. What followed was two or three years of head shaking by us older gamers at the more juvenile games played by the youngsters. After that, however, these younger gamers matured, developed an interest in more traditional wargames, and added a degree of innovation to the campaigns they devised that improved the games for all of us. I don't doubt that a significant minority of the new Pokemon hunters will also develop more mature tastes in gaming over the years. Wargames will live on, although they will always be a minority gaming interest in their purest form. quote:
Pokemon might be really on dope lately, but, people are dying from playing it. Clearly it has something War in the Pacific doesn't. And even if the game is silly, it's got a hold of technology war games can only dream of As with other games, wargames will continue to evolve with technology. in my teenage years, I would have dismissed suggestions that wargaming could develop to include offerings such as WITE and DW, let alone the Total War series of games as sheer fantasy. There will always be limits to what our senses will accept in terms of augmented reality. Imaginary monsters like Pokemon work very well, modern tanks may perhaps work, although I wonder how we could be persuaded to believe that an imaginary battle could be being fought along the High Street when we know that it isn't. Somehow I can't imagine anyone being convinced by the sight of a virtual Roman legion battling the gauls through their local branch of Marks & Spencers.[:)]