Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (Full Version)

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Daniele -> Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/19/2016 2:44:34 PM)

The Command LIVE project has officially taken off. The first release, Old Grudges Never Die, is out on our site and on Steam. You can purchase it here.

We are really proud of this first episode and of the project as a whole. Developers WarfareSim and Bart Gauvin, an experienced designer from the community, have worked hard to bring this project to life and this is only the start. It’s the first time a detailed simulation takes on real life events to create such detailed fictional, but true-to-life scenarios.

Old Grudges Never Die, in particular, features a highly detailed geopolitical what if scenario, set in the present day Syrian Civil War.

Two playable factions, Turkey and Russia, have been engrossed in this conflict, where every false step could further destabilize the entire region. With dozens of actors involved, the slightest incident could ignite a war.

Take command and avoid escalating the conflict to an all out war, or be ready to face the consequences!
Grab Command: Live – Old Grudges Never Die now and play history as it happens. Live!

The game is an expansion for Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations and require the base game to be played.

Command: Live – Old Grudges Never Die is also available on Steam! Liked the game? Leave a review!

Skjold -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/19/2016 3:24:21 PM)

Great work Bart.

Stardog765 -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/19/2016 3:32:45 PM)

Im on it!

Good job! I think this is a good idea the will help keep things fresh and moving forward and not cost us an arm and a leg.

Rocksoldier -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/19/2016 4:44:53 PM)

Got it from steam, but i can't find the scenario anywhere. I verified game cache to SR2 build 839,4 but still nothing. It's like scenario never got downloaded.

edit: verified again, now i got it

Stardog765 -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/19/2016 5:53:05 PM)

Cool was just getting ready to post that I verified mine shows up in Steam since I activated my Steam key for it.

Glad you got it worked out.

downtown -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/19/2016 7:20:57 PM)


I am trying to purchase this through Matrix since I bought the game there. I noticed that Paypal is a payment choice but when I go to try to pay for it all the choices I see are for Credit Cards. Paypal does not show anywhere in the payment dialog.

downtown -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/19/2016 7:35:49 PM)

Nevermind...I didnt see the second option. My bad.

ColonelMolerat -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/19/2016 11:36:54 PM)

£1.99? Spot on!

I was worried there'd be a 'Grognard Tax' and I'd have to save up a bit. A Saturday paper costs £2.50 - read the news, or play it? Or both for a fiver...? Excellent!!

SeriousCatNZ -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/20/2016 5:30:02 AM)

At last, the ability to play out current speculative scenarios without having to be a scenario designer or hoping someone else has designed the scenario already.


Pergite! -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/20/2016 8:26:11 AM)

Just poured myself a newly brewed cup of coffee and started up the scenario...

To be honest I am a bit disappointed:

I like to make the most out of the uncertainty in a first playthrough (as Russians) and wanted to assess the situation and really plan things.
This however proved to be difficult because the briefing is seriously lacking in the portion regarding the situation. I am all for setting up my own objectives, but to do so I need at least some basic knowledge about the opposing- or even friendly forces involved.
What and where are the Turkish and other national(NATO)assets that I might encounter? How do they normally operate? What would constitute a change in behaviour and a possible indicator of an escalation? The operation has been ongoing for a while, but the situation now is that I just have woken up from a coma. Either I do my own OSINT, or go ahead and guess how many F-16C/D that the Turks can scramble at any given time in the eastern part of their country. How many Turkish subs are at sea? What is the Turkish AD coverage? etc..
I have the same concerns regarding what the other Russian commands and their operations aim to accomplish in "my" JAO. How does their ATO, or at least rough time-line, areas and targeting look like (needed so I can plan accordingly or at least try to deconflict). I have no doubts that the scenario is very detailed, I am just as mentioned initially a bit disappointed that the whole briefing material only constitutes of 450 words, and is leaving out the most useful information. If you want to keep the rest of the series "highly detailed" and "true-to-life" I could give you some pointers, but I am confident that the scenario designers already have this know-how.

Regardless of this I am 100% confident that I will enjoy the scenario! Not just in the same way I had hoped.[:)]

IainMcNeil -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/20/2016 9:59:17 AM)

Thanks for the feedback - I'm sure Bart will work on making the RoE clearer and give more info about other nations forces.

chrisol -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/20/2016 12:28:42 PM)

Looks like £1.99 on Steam, but £2.40 on the Matrix site which seems quite a difference (though obvious a fairly small amount of money). Can anything be done to get the matrix site price to match ?


IainMcNeil -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/20/2016 12:37:52 PM)

Our price is a correct calculation unfortunately. Steam are using a pre brexit exchange rate :(

We cant manually specify an exchange rate and any change affects all currencies.

chrisol -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/20/2016 1:39:49 PM)

Curse those foolish Brexiteers !


Slick91 -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/20/2016 10:06:28 PM)

What is the long term outlook with this game and these new DLC releases?

Is this the direction that Matrix and WarfareSim are heading in that larger add-ons/expansion like Northern Inferno will be no more in favor of these smaller DLC’s?

Or, are future larger expansions going to include (some) these smaller DLC’s since the consumer is ponying up more cash for the larger packages?

To be honest, I’m starting to become turned off by the endless nickel and diming these days in game development. I’ve forked out $80 for the base game, plus $20 for Northern Inferno, and now I get to look forward to spending a few dollars more just to keep the game’s scenarios feeling “current”? (I know, I know…no one is forcing me to spend the cash...just trying to make my point [;)] )

My apologies if I've offended anyone as no personal insult was intended in my post.

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/20/2016 10:25:53 PM)

I don't think it is nessicarily a trend for all the games in the Matrix family. These DLCs are made as current events unfold, that is the point, so it would make total sense that they are spread out piecemeal like this.

And yes, no one is forcing you to spend the money, you don't NEED to buy the DLC.

Gunner98 -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/20/2016 10:36:35 PM)

This was answered on Steam earlier today:

Slitherine_Iain [developer] 9 hours ago

Its in parallel. The large campaigns are so big and time consuming to build we wanted something a bit faster to iterate to give you guys a continuous flow of content and allow us to keep pace with current events. There are at least 5 of these large campaigns in various states of construction but only one of them might be ready this year and I cant tell you any more about it than that for now!

I am working on a couple single/double scenarios for release shortly, not the campaigns. But I'm also continuing with Northern Fury which is part of the community scenario set. No shortage of scenarios out there but Slitherine puts their resources behind these ones because they think people will be interested in them. Your choice.


HalfLifeExpert -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/20/2016 10:48:47 PM)

Good to hear Gunner, also interesting to hear that there are plans in existence for 5 campaigns, will be interesting to ultimately find out what they are

IainMcNeil -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/21/2016 9:30:52 AM)

On the flow of content there is only one way to look at it - economics. If we don't sell new content we would need some other way to continue generating revenue such as a subscription service. Without that there is nobody to create the content. None of it is required and all features come in the game for free, but that development too is only possible if there is an on going revenue stream. The only way we could stop selling content is to stop all development and work on a new game and then sell you that. In reality what you have in Command since release should mean it is Command 2 and you buy it again. We could go down the route of one new release a year which is then not supported as most major publisher do. I don't think you'd like that idea though :)

Pergite! -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/21/2016 9:51:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: Gunner98
Its in parallel. The large campaigns are so big and time consuming to build we wanted something a bit faster to iterate to give you guys a continuous flow of content and allow us to keep pace with current events. There are at least 5 of these large campaigns in various states of construction but only one of them might be ready this year and I cant tell you any more about it than that for now!

Even if its faster to build, it can surely take some effort and time to play, depending on how deep you want to go...


The Russian draft MAAP/MAOP for Old Grudges never die. The bridge will be targeted (LGB΄s from Su-24s) as well as the anti-Assad forces along the Turkish border (Su-25s). CAP and QRA will have a busy day, and the more capable AG load-outs are on standby to engage Turkish forces if needed, or any HPT that will turn up.

All rotary wing assets are divided into CSAR packages, mixed Gunships and Hinds. I will not allow any of my pilots to fall into rebel hands. ISR assets will be airborne as much as possible, and I hope that I have been a bit pessimistic with the station times for the UAVs, so I can stretch them further. I will probably need to reassess any night ops, due to limited night capabilities with the CSAR. The weather is also somewhat of a concern (for the LGBs), its states clear skies, but with light rain?

Then there is the whole navy business... and the incoming bombers from Engels... and the Syrian AF... and NATO... It will surely get interesting! [:D]


Good luck guys!(I guess you going to need it...

mikmykWS -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/21/2016 1:35:58 PM)



On the flow of content there is only one way to look at it - economics. If we don't sell new content we would need some other way to continue generating revenue such as a subscription service. Without that there is nobody to create the content. None of it is required and all features come in the game for free, but that development too is only possible if there is an on going revenue stream. The only way we could stop selling content is to stop all development and work on a new game and then sell you that. In reality what you have in Command since release should mean it is Command 2 and you buy it again. We could go down the route of one new release a year which is then not supported as most major publisher do. I don't think you'd like that idea though :)

Just to follow on Ian's point. Live is a great opportunity for content designers and the community too. We are putting the spotlight on their fine work and giving them more of a return than they are used to. They get a glimpse of our world as well[:D]

Bigger picture though its a great way to also drive smart conversations and thought about what's going on in the world. You people have a lot of smart things to say and this work is another way of expressing it.


bradinggs -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/21/2016 2:05:03 PM)

Hi Mike, will there be any post that goes further into detail in how Command LIVE works if a community member wants to release a Command LIVE title with you? Would be great to have some more information, then people could consider if they would like to release a scenario traditionally (free) or go the Command LIVE route and get rewarded for some extra time spent on the design. I'm guessing it's a share in royalties for the specific scenario.

Great to see it, interested to see how it does.

ColonelMolerat -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/21/2016 2:09:20 PM)

Pergite - do you have a high-res version of that spreadsheet?

I'd like to see how organised people plan their ops!

mikmykWS -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/21/2016 2:30:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: bradinggs

Hi Mike, will there be any post that goes further into detail in how Command LIVE works if a community member wants to release a Command LIVE title with you? Would be great to have some more information, then people could consider if they would like to release a scenario traditionally (free) or go the Command LIVE route and get rewarded for some extra time spent on the design. I'm guessing it's a share in royalties for the specific scenario.

Great to see it, interested to see how it does.

No formal process has been established. I'd just pm us to show you're interested. We'll probably want to see some proof that you're able to complete a scenario project. If we see this along with some competence at using the editor, congeniality with us and some great theme ideas we may move forward together. Money talk etc. occurs privately after all the vetting on both sides occurs.



bradinggs -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/21/2016 2:40:13 PM)

Thanks Mike. Sounds great, still learning this side but certainly will look forward to doing one in the future with you guys. I like that you involving the community and giving them an opportunity, currently not many developers doing that. Great to see these developments.

IainMcNeil -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/21/2016 3:04:20 PM)

One other thing to add - on LIVE scenarios a lot of time and effort goes in to picking subjects with the marketing team that we think will generate interest in the wider press, so coming with a completed scenario might be something we are interested in, but more likely not. On Live scenarios we like to work from inception all the way through to release. We have a lot of potential scenarios but only a small percentage make the cut! So the most likely route is create some free scenarios, show what you can do and if we think it hits the commercial quality threshold or could with help, we work on a LIVE scenario together further down the line.

bradinggs -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/21/2016 4:00:14 PM)

Thanks for the extra clarification Iain, great stuff.

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/22/2016 12:55:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: mikmyk



On the flow of content there is only one way to look at it - economics. If we don't sell new content we would need some other way to continue generating revenue such as a subscription service. Without that there is nobody to create the content. None of it is required and all features come in the game for free, but that development too is only possible if there is an on going revenue stream. The only way we could stop selling content is to stop all development and work on a new game and then sell you that. In reality what you have in Command since release should mean it is Command 2 and you buy it again. We could go down the route of one new release a year which is then not supported as most major publisher do. I don't think you'd like that idea though :)

Just to follow on Ian's point. Live is a great opportunity for content designers and the community too. We are putting the spotlight on their fine work and giving them more of a return than they are used to. They get a glimpse of our world as well[:D]

Bigger picture though its a great way to also drive smart conversations and thought about what's going on in the world. You people have a lot of smart things to say and this work is another way of expressing it.


That really is cool and great to hear! I by no means have nearly enough skill with the editor to make anything worthy of becoming a Live scenario, but I think it is awesome that you guys are really working with community scenario builders on this. In the end I think it will benefit everyone concerned. I look forward to the next Live scenarios with great anticipation!

Pergite! -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/22/2016 1:23:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: ColonelMolerat

Pergite - do you have a high-res version of that spreadsheet?

I'd like to see how organised people plan their ops!

It proved to not be organized enough. I forgot to read the fine print on the surge setting for some aircraft. The Su-30SM for example is limited to a total 4 hrs flight time decided into 2 sorties per 24hrs. When the first sortie ended, there where not much flight time left. A tip is to keep the fighters as QRA and scramble as necessary.

I am just four hours into the scenario and I must say that the scenario is really good so far. The behaviour of all sides feels spot on. The own unit count is perfectly manageable, and it is instead the flow and dynamics of the operation and the battle-space that requires your attention.

I have lost a SU-24 due to error on my part, I mistook the weapon load-out in the mission planner which resulted in a dangerous attack profile.

WYBaugh -> RE: Command LIVE – Episode 1 is out! (7/24/2016 12:20:07 AM)



On the flow of content there is only one way to look at it - economics. If we don't sell new content we would need some other way to continue generating revenue such as a subscription service. Without that there is nobody to create the content. None of it is required and all features come in the game for free, but that development too is only possible if there is an on going revenue stream. The only way we could stop selling content is to stop all development and work on a new game and then sell you that. In reality what you have in Command since release should mean it is Command 2 and you buy it again. We could go down the route of one new release a year which is then not supported as most major publisher do. I don't think you'd like that idea though :)


Do you mean all updated features?

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