Joseignacio -> RE: In case someone is interested on how WIF (no MWIF) is evolving... (3/2/2017 2:01:52 PM)
GE can attack when both units are flipped, that's a +4 in the 2D10 One of the stacks can use one engineer, which would also give a +1 (or +2) against a city, that the GE start with, being the ENG with factors 1 or 2 , it could bring 1 or 2 units to full power crossing the river. There is a city but you can use an HQ and compensate that advantage. You can use as well the HQ support, ranging from +1 to +2 (fr. ex. Rundstedt). And if the attacck failed you could do it again with similar possibilities if you have another HQ to restore the units except for Rundstedt. Except the HQ support. It's not about the combat factors, it's about the modifiers. Anyway, I agree that the CW can support and double the defending factors, but they cannot possibly hope to bomb it with all the Luftwaffe in front, that early in the game (much more and better GE planes). And the GE bombers would pass. Supposing you only get a -1 (city) + 1 HQ against city +1 (eng against city or +2) +4 (flipped) +2 (HQ support) and a 2:1 in factors, you still get a +11 and a possible subsequent attack at maybe +7. If the Brits could double the stack strength, the GE would get a minimum of about a 1:1 , which would give a +9 to the initial attack. All that before getting PARAs (obviously). And all that counting with the CW player leaving the fleet at sea and not letting it go under level 3. Or GE could start the turn and no shore bombardment would occur or it would be too weak to double the defender value because of the ships position (usually, unless most BBs are right there). I admit that a +11 or +9 is not the best, and if you get the GE units flipped or you use up all your air power, that may delay Belgium, but still two CW units that early (the CW uses to have like 4 (including an HQ and a ¿garr?) in the initial deploy is a sweet hit to CW, who has a shabby production multiple (as most) early in the game.