tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (Full Version)

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tiemanjw -> tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/24/2016 4:11:15 AM)

I'll try the AAR thing again. With both our current games nearing completion NJP72 and I have decided to go at it. It will be slow at first, as we each have our other game as first priority.

DBB-B Scenario 30 (extended map with stacking limits)

House Rules:
Restricted units pay PPs to cross boarders (Exceptions: Kwantung Army in Russia, Japanese China Restricted Army in Mongolia, US/Canada units back and forth in the event of an invasion)
No allied units (other than Soviet and Red Chinese), in the Soviet Union.

Altitude limits: 21k in '41-'42, 26k in '43, 31k in '44, unlimited in '45-'46 (exceptions: Recon A/C)

Night bombing of airfields - max 1 squadron / base / turn. All other night bombing ok without limits.

no un-realistic resizing of squadrons. Small resizes to customize the CVW ok

He promises not to strat bomb in China. I will not be so nice [:)] (and I won't hold him to his promise)

low level 4E naval strikes OK

non base hex invasions allowed

single ship blockade runners and picket ships allowed (though picket ships should not be "x" ships (civilian)

Most normal settings. Notable PDU off, realistic R&D, and Historical first turn

Initial thoughts:
Allied intelligence intercepted this tidbit:
"The other rule I think will be important (and partially showing my hand here) is no Allied units on Russian soil and vice versa. Yep I intend to fight the Bear hard this game. :-) "

misdirection? perhaps. We shall see.

West Coast
My biggest concern is the west coast. I don't know what he plans on in this game, but looking over the allied OOB, I'm very concerned about a early west coast smash and grab aimed at destroying A/C factories or ships not yet built.
To this end, I will spend significant effort to defend the west coast for the first few months.
The following cities can not be lost under any circumstances:
San Francisco

Close behind them are
San Diego
Salt Lake (emergency reserves deploy here and it starts the game undefended. Losing it to a para assault will cost precious time for the reinforcement package)

After that
Oak Harbor
These 2 seem weird I know, but they are very exposed and you get most of your mine sweepers here. I don't want to have that handicap later in the game.

Mare Island
These 3 are important and will be defended against para assault, however a true assault on them would need to either go through San Fran or come over land from the north or south (giving me time).

San Diego is a bit of a special case. Since it is at the end of the rail line and can be easily cut off, I'll need to add a little extra protection to it early. The rest can be covered by an initial force with reinforcements set to come in via strat mode quickly.

Soviet Union
I can't do much here until he makes his move. For now I will build forts in the south, and infrastructure in the north. I will set the supply spinners down south to full and stockpiling on to get as much supply as I can before he cuts the trans-Siberian rail line.
Once he invades, I'll mostly bug out down south leaving about 80k troops (SL for most bases down there). I'm assuming the rail line will be cut, so we'll go cross country where necessary. I'm not in a hurry here. I want to regroup even if it takes a long time prior to pushing in on him.
From looking at my last game, I assess the Soviets as having the following strengths and weaknesses:
'43 and beyond infantry squads are among the best in the game - both in anti soft, anti hard, and replacement rate (better 400/month - better than the Chinese)
the terrain looks good
If I can consolidate up north, I will have shorter supply lines
they have a LOT of arty

Their armor sucks, and you get 0 replacements after about 4/42 (or maybe it was 3/42) until the T34 comes online in 5/44
Their aircraft suck, perhaps even more than their armor
that rail line is beyond easy to cut. There is no chance of getting sufficient supplies in by sea

So human wave attacks are about all I can sustain. I'll try to consolidate up north, then send in the cannon fodder.

I hope to not misplay China as bad as my last game. Perhaps a Soviet adventure will take some heat off these guys, but I doubt it.
That said, I'm going to go with a modified Alfred plan.
Units that can be bought out, will be and sent to India train and equip. Red Chinese units will be sent toward Russia for the same reasons.
Units will be set up in good terrain blocking positions. Other units will be set off the roads to come back later and make him keep cleaning up.
A large number of units will make for the mountains as a final redoubt.

Die as slowly as possible

run to Singapore, die as slowly as possible
...same with the PI, only replace Singapore with Manila

This is my early number 2 priority behind West Coast. I'm not at all worried about the northern frontier. I'm also not too worried about a land invasion. However, I need to get AA down there quickly. I'll send some from the US and some from Colombo. The queen will probably be used here.

Dig in at Hawaii. Start building bases in the Society islands. Expand west and north from their. CVs will be used as escorts for high value convoys. I may try to strike an odd outpost if the chance arises.
Basically, trade space for time.

Nothing at first. I can't afford to lose the west coast. If he leaves it alone, I'll slowly start building up. I may try to occupy Adak to at least make him work for it. First I'll have to find something to occupy it with.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/24/2016 4:18:07 AM)

First turn is already a disaster. Historical first turn caught PoW and Repulse. PoW survived the first 6 fish, but the next 4 did her in. Repulse ate several. I'll have to wait to see how bad she is.

Pearl - every BB ate at least 3 fish and most took 4+. Only Oklahoma is sunk outright, but a few more have to be in trouble:

BB California, Bomb hits 11, Torpedo hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
BB Arizona, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
BB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
BB Maryland, Bomb hits 9, Torpedo hits 4, heavy fires
BB West Virginia, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 7, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
BB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 5, Torpedo hits 5, and is sunk
BB Nevada, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage

Hopefully he doesn't come after Hawaii (or even stay for a second day). Those boats are useful for invasions. I'm especially concerned for California and Wee Vee. We'll see what happens.

DDs mostly got off ok - I'll sortie them north. If he stays, maybe they can give him a scare.

Mike McCreery -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/24/2016 4:57:13 AM)

I cannot give high enough praise for your opponent. He will keep his bargain on strat bombing in China.


obvert -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/24/2016 10:09:52 AM)


Initial thoughts:
Allied intelligence intercepted this tidbit:
"The other rule I think will be important (and partially showing my hand here) is no Allied units on Russian soil and vice versa. Yep I intend to fight the Bear hard this game. :-) "

misdirection? perhaps. We shall see.

This is going to be fun!!

Great match-up and I look forward to the AARs becoming essential daily reading.

Lowpe -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/24/2016 1:17:54 PM)

Good luck!

BBfanboy -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/24/2016 4:06:44 PM)

Good to see your starting an AAR again!
Re: Russia - don't forget to treat their subs as a strength. Their torpedoes work and most of their commanders are OK.
You may need a rule permitting the Russian navy to re-base to the Aleutians should their bases become untenable.
Their DDs are short-ranged but the guns are darned effective, and their ASW is decent in the early game.
Oh, and they will need to send all those xAKs to Prince Rupert to fill up with supplies. Canada would likely not object and the US would not be too worried about the Russians getting a look at that Allied base (although the area is much less bleak than the counterpart Murmansk/Archangel).

SqzMyLemon -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/24/2016 4:13:07 PM)

This will be a fantastic PBEM to follow. Good luck to you both.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/24/2016 6:15:23 PM)



I cannot give high enough praise for your opponent. He will keep his bargain on strat bombing in China.


He seems like a great guy. I didn't mean to suggest he wouldn't keep his word, but rather I told him if he feels he can gain an advantage, not to feel bound by the rule.
I stink at China anyway, so he would probably just be doing me a favor by destroying his industry for me.[:)]

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/24/2016 6:25:21 PM)



Good to see your starting an AAR again!
Re: Russia - don't forget to treat their subs as a strength. Their torpedoes work and most of their commanders are OK.
You may need a rule permitting the Russian navy to re-base to the Aleutians should their bases become untenable.
Their DDs are short-ranged but the guns are darned effective, and their ASW is decent in the early game.
Oh, and they will need to send all those xAKs to Prince Rupert to fill up with supplies. Canada would likely not object and the US would not be too worried about the Russians getting a look at that Allied base (although the area is much less bleak than the counterpart Murmansk/Archangel).

Good thoughts... I hadn't even thought of the bear swimming. I expected their surface fleet to die a quick and glorious death. Maybe some can break out. I'll have a close look at their subs.

I doubt their merchant fleet will be much use. The kuriles lie between Russia and any viable resupply route.

Maybe, though I can dump a Russian division or 2 in the kuriles... I think I'll start prepping a few units.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/30/2016 8:48:52 PM)

Well, the good news is that the first turn was a sync bug! PoW is still afloat with only moderate damage. Making way for CT now. Repulse (which had over 90 float damage) was found by a sub that put 4 more fish into her. Gone now.

At Pearl, the Pennsylvania is sunk, but everyone else will survive. I won't have any back for a several months, but unless he comes to pearl, I'll get them all back. Once I get a bead on his subs, I'll try to get the first 2 out in a week or 2.
I sent out about 2 dozen DDs in different directions to try to scare him. I don't want him staying. KB did turn back and managed to hit 2 of the DDs sinking one. Not great, but I'll take it. I need some space in the eastern Pacific. Hopefully he saw this little insanity. I doubt they would do anything if they found him, but nobody wants their CVs fighting DDs. Ever.

CA Chester (part of the Enterprise group) was missed by 6 fish half way between Palmyra and Pearl. He didn't see Enterprise, but I'm not taking chances here. She will collect here airgroup (flown off to protect Hawaii in the event of a second attack), and make for Panama until I figure out what is going on.

A spot of good news for the allies! B17s few under the cap at Takao bombing the port. 2 lost but managed to hit a tanker, some CMs and xAP and some xAKs. Nothing much, but it is a small boost to allied moral. The few undamaged remaining will hit Pescadores tomorrow. Then we flee. The Chinese will hit Samah. Both appear undefended.

Overall, right now I just want time. If he has to add extra defenses to his transports it takes time to assemble. Every fighter flying CAP over an airbase or port is not flying sweeps.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/31/2016 6:40:43 PM)

Day 4 and I'm still no closer to figuring out where he is going.

The KB moved south, then east and is hanging just out of range of pearl. He is really worrying me with this...why? My guess is he is trying to either bait or ambush lex. He knows I have at least one CV near the line islands (I have 2) due to all the sub sightings. Perhaps he is hoping I try to return to pearl. I have no intention... Lex will continue south, and enterprise will make wake for Panama. I'll dump off an sdb squadron at Palmyra though to keep spot of the subs, and see if he keeps hanging out. I'm worried about a move on Hawaii. Nothing yet in the Gilbert's, wake, or Guam.
On the plus side, 2 DDs got to within 5k yards to launch a spread at his carriers. No hits, but that has to add pucker factor.

In the PI, I've snuck in a few transports to add some supply. The mini KB is moving south along with what looks like a surface group and an invasion group. Perhaps Darwin, perhaps java. Though with them gone, I've activated Boise to see if she can cause some trouble. Day 1 and nothing yet.
Bombers refuse to fly on Pescordes, so I'll just bug out.
He has used paras to get some undefended bases (including jolo) and is moving in recon. I'll hit these bases as soon as I can to blind him as much as possible.

The AVG lands it's first blow in China. A cap trap claims about a dozen unescorted bombers. I'll bug out for a bit and see how he responds.

The Chinese bomber raid at Samah finds a few fighters, but hits several ships including a laden tanker.

Subs have been successful so far. A few snuck into Takeo and hit a large xAK with 2 fish, then got another on the egress. A Dutch boat claimed another off Malaya.

A fast transport TF showed up in NW Borneo. I just happened to move a few CLs next door to stage a run on on his beaches. They now have several options as his surface forces have used up a lot of ammo chasing DDs, getting Darwin award transport captains, and bombarding.

The biggest downer on the day was several transports retreating from air threat came back to singers, and then couldn't get out.

BBfanboy -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/31/2016 7:02:50 PM)

Rather than the SBDs, I would leave the Devastators at Palmyra. Enterprise will need the SBDs wherever it is going (train them in transit). The Devastators are almost useless but can locate and bomb subs without risk to themselves.

About the TF that refused to leave Singers, make sure the threat tolerance is set to Absolute, and the TF commander is good in Aggression.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (7/31/2016 7:46:59 PM)



Rather than the SBDs, I would leave the Devastators at Palmyra. Enterprise will need the SBDs wherever it is going (train them in transit). The Devastators are almost useless but can locate and bomb subs without risk to themselves.

About the TF that refused to leave Singers, make sure the threat tolerance is set to Absolute, and the TF commander is good in Aggression.

Hear you on the threat tolerance...just after making 700 task forces you screw up a few things.

I thought about the TBDs, but they have no range (SDBs can get back to pearl), and he has been spotting them. I'd like to avoid changing his sight picture if possible.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/2/2016 4:54:16 PM)

As the sun rises over the western South China Sea, Japanese transports continue to unload supplies near the British air strip at Kuantan. Lookouts spot the escorting Japanese crusier force, back from their pillaging near Singapore. Wait a minute, something is not quite right...


tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/2/2016 5:01:39 PM)


As the war gets truly underway, I'll start separating my thoughts into theaters.

West Coast
No bad news yet. Supply is starting to flood in. Units are taking their defensive positions. Forts have reached 2 in a few key locations including LA and San Diego. Everywhere else is at 1 and building.

Around Hawaii, I no longer see any CVs. Hopefully his run in with my DDs helped convince him to give me some breathing space. There is 1 TF near Johnston that shows TKs and CLs... no "enemy carriers" sound when spotted. I'm not convinced he is gone yet, but maybe. I'll start prepping a few BBs for transit to the west coast.
Subs show up north and east of Pearl... either that or I have enough search planes repaired now that they are spotted. ASW TFs have been completely helpless here. Despite several encounters, I'm not sure they have even fired upon (dropped upon) any subs, much less hit one.
He lands at Guam and Tarawa, easing my mind a bit. I'm still worried about a move on Hawaii. And why are all those subs around the line islands?

No enemy activity. Supply continues to arrive, +5300 on the day. Total reserves are up to about 75k on Luzon alone (with about 6k more currently being unloaded). I'll keep running it until he makes me stop.
I suspect he is bypassing the PI. The mini KB along with what appears to be an invasion TF continues to move south west into the DEI. My guess is what was originally scheduled for Luzon, has been re-routed to Java. With luck, I can turn this into a thorn in his side until he deals with it.

The best news of the day. A pair of British CLs combined with the Dutch CL Java run in on a an invasion convoy at Kuantan. The troops were no longer on board, but all ships are ruthlessly sent to the bottom including 2 large AVs with about 20 float planes on board. With my welcome worn out here, it is time to haul xxx south. I'll send back the Buffalos and swordfish to Singapore to cover their withdraw. They will get gas and ammo at Singers, then head south to hide somewhere.
On the ground though it is a disaster. Kuantan falls with heavy causalities, and worse yet, I think his armor moved quick enough to prevent the 2 Indian Bdes from retreating. I'll know for sure when I can load the turn up. Supply should start arriving at Singapore in the next day. Depending on the condition of the ground forces as they make it back, I'm toying with replacing Percival. Expensive, but if I can tie down some forces here, it will give me time elsewhere.

A couple of tankers are caught by subs. Perhaps I shouldn't have loaded them up before fleeing. At least he won't get that fuel. Several small fry are rounded up and killed, but overall I'm moderately satisfied with the state of the evacuation. The mini KB strikes a few xAKLs wasting sorties for a few VPs. How many sorties do these guys have? Maybe an opportunity for the Dutch CLs to upstage their British counterparts if he runs low.

He catches a few units in the open, which of course goes badly for the Chinese. Otherwise most units are proceeding to their blocking or hiding positions with as much order as I can hope for.
My best guess here is that he is going to try to push through to Sian (northern route), but it is hardly conclusive at this time.
No response to the AVG cap trap. There is another group he is hitting escorted by nates. I'll give him one more free pass, then try the AVG again.

ny59giants -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/2/2016 6:21:54 PM)

Don't rush getting your damaged BBs from Pearl to WC. I place subs in common egress paths just for this. Run multiple ASW TFs in the path you want them to go to make sure the path is clear.

BBfanboy -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/2/2016 9:45:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: tiemanj

As the sun rises over the western South China Sea, Japanese transports continue to unload supplies near the British air strip at Kuantan. Lookouts spot the escorting Japanese crusier force, back from their pillaging near Singapore. Wait a minute, something is not quite right...


Were there any troops still aboard those transports?

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/2/2016 10:17:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

Don't rush getting your damaged BBs from Pearl to WC. I place subs in common egress paths just for this. Run multiple ASW TFs in the path you want them to go to make sure the path is clear.


Don't rush getting your damaged BBs from Pearl to WC. I place subs in common egress paths just for this. Run multiple ASW TFs in the path you want them to go to make sure the path is clear

Normally, I would agree... but I'm starting to get nervous with him hanging around Hawaii. If I get a window, the 2 least damaged will bolt. Though they will either take a very wide path, or more likely, just go to Norfolk.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/2/2016 10:24:52 PM)


Were there any troops still aboard those transports?

Sadly no [:(].

I doubt it will have much of a material effect on the empire. My biggest hope is that it makes him more cautious. If he has to protect his transports it means a) he isn't hunting as aggressively, and more importantly b) he has to wait to assemble escorts before moving - slowing him down.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/3/2016 9:36:01 PM)


West Coast
No news is good news.

As I have feared, he is moving into the eastern Pacific. Johnston and Baker fall. KB is off Johnston. I doubt he is using this asset just to protect that landing.
BB California and Arizona are 2 days from departure. West Virginia has just finished de-watering and will be made ready for transit as well.

Boise goes 3 rounds with CL Kiso off Cagayan. Both sides shoot off a lot of rounds but only moderately damage each other. Boise has 27 system damage to go with a bit of minor flood and engine.
A pair of 4 pipers bravely try to head off surface forces attacking the tail end of my transports, but do little. No damage to either side.

Yesterday’s heroes make it back to Singapore and refuel / rearm. They get a bit of a scare as a Japanese surface force comes calling, but they evade. Time now to disappear.
Beasts and sword fish set to cover the withdraw of the cruisers impale themselves on CAP going for an invasion force at Mersing. Oh, and there is an invasion at Mersing. Time to pull back the Aussies and turtle up at Singers.

The Dutch send a few Heffalumps at that force that continues to be headed toward Java, and of course don't hit anything.

A handful of attacks hit troops still in the open. Hong Kong is attacked, and forts dropped to 2. The Canadians give better than they get, but this won't last very long.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/6/2016 8:11:49 PM)


West Coast
A few more reinforcements distributed around. Forts 3 at Seattle and SD!

Canton fell... expected it, but never saw it. The KB was spotted last 2 days ago a couple hundred miles SW of Johnston heading west. He may be covering the Canton assault, may be heading to SOPAC to raid commerce shipping (not much there), or my guess is he is heading to reload.
I have yet to see most of the land divisions. Still nothing in the PI, very little in SOPAC. I am preparing for a move on Hawaii, and I think I can expect it as soon as he can get rearmed and return - about a week or so. That said, I don't think he will go straight for Pearl, but rather some of the easy outlaying islands. I have moved some USMC defense units (with coastal guns) and some battalions to Lihue and Kona. If he wants it, I won't stop him, but I'm hoping to sink some shipping and make it a general pain in the butt for him. I've also stashed PTs around the islands as sleepers to be activated when necessary (I've also done this with a cruiser or 2). My hope is that the bulk of his surface navy won't attend if he comes soon (they are busy in the DEI). Maybe, with luck, I can slap around a few transports.
For air defenses, Enterprise will arrive in SD in 2 days and start ferrying fighters from the west coast.
Arizona and California are away, one day SE of Hilo heading for Panama. West Virginia is one day short of Hilo, but will have to stop for some dewatering. Maryland is leaving Pearl today.

Marblehead gets tagged by Kates [thankfully] carrying bombs. She is hit 3 times and is of no more use. She made Soerabaja, but I don't think it is safe enough there to stay. She will leave for western Oz. Boise is being repaired in Manila, take about 2 weeks. Most of his surface groups appear to be retiring to Babeldaob. One group with some cruisers is lagging behind. Let’s see if Houston (not yet seen by him) can make some noise.
A pair of xAKLs sneak past heading north with supplies.
Sigint suggests that his targets will be Lingayen and Mauban. Mauban is x2 terrain. I'm running out of room in the triangle, so I'm sending a pair of Philippine divisions and a coastal defense battery to Mauban. They won't stop him, but maybe surprise and delay him. PT boats are also hidden at both locations.
Another hero of the allied war was just born. S-36 sails into Takao harbor on the surface. Guns blazing (even the .30s!) and fish flying manages to put down a large AK before getting away clean.

Nothing good here. The Indians will surrender Alor Star today or tomorrow. Everything else reaches Singapore and buttons down the hatches. Still debating if I want to start changing leadership. Forts should make 3 before he attacks, assuming he doesn't start bombing (he seems reluctant, probably due to the large amount of AA).
B17s fly from Singapore and hit the undefended port of Saigon. They sink a sub and probably a xAK. 2 tankers are hit, but they must have been dry. Pity.

What appears to be over half the Japanese navy is on a collision course with Palembang. Currently they are just west and north west of Singkawang. Subs vector in, SS Salmon gets a transport, but with only 1 fish. It doesn't matter though, even if torpedoes worked there are just too many targets.
The British CL force from Kuantan fame is hiding at Muntok. If he gets sloppy they may sortie. Chances are though, they just die. Both ships withdraw though, so I don't really care. Churchill can go find other ships.
The large force that came in from the east is sitting at Kendari. Not sure what he is waiting for. Nothing I can do about it (except send a few subs after him). Dutch Heffalumps manage a few hits on some transports, but nothing too serious. They make it away in decent shape though, and will try again later.

Mostly both of us are doing our opening moves. Some action around Kweiteh as a broken corps in 3 sub-units cycles in, gets kicked out, than repeat with the next sub-unit. They are tying down 2 divisions.
An attack on the small rail line in the mountains has the Chinese hold. Reinforcements are on their way to stiffen the defenses on that approach. Otherwise the bulk of his units are vectoring toward Nanyang. He can have it as I withdraw to Sain and Ankang. Hopefully I can get the time to set up a nasty defense in the nasty terrain there.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/11/2016 7:33:56 PM)


West Coast
Little going on here (except digging). I'm freeing up the 3rd regiment of the 24th Division and sending it to Hawaii along with a tank Bn. Subs show up off SD and SF and play cat and mouse with some DDs. Otherwise, all quiet.

KB has not shown itself now for over a week. They can be close to anywhere now, I must assume.

He shows his missing divisions. A good news / bad news situation, I suppose. Good news is I don't see anything big heading toward Hawaii. I'm not going to let my guard down though. The previously mentioned west coast troops will be sent. Enterprise is flying off fighters today (including P38s) to aid in the defense.

Only 3 BBs remain at Pearl. Arizona and California exit stage right enroute to Panama. Maryland had a flooding casualty 2 days out of Pearl, but has since made good on nearly all the additional damage. She is about half way to the exits. West Virginia is about a day behind her. Tennessee has finished de-watering and is preparing to move. Now that those other divisions have shown up on the wrong side of the world, I may reconsider and let her repair more before moving.

He landed on Palmyra, but the initial landings weren't enough to take the base. Forts have now gone to 2. He has brought another unit in (now a Naval Guard Unit and a SNLF), but still not enough. USN DDs ran in to bombard, and managed to get 2 damaged ships from the second landing as well. We also finally hit a sub!
I don't want to commit reinforcements here, but I'm also not going to give it up. The more we tie him up here, the longer it takes to move somewhere else.

Still no land action up north. About 20 xAKLs leave Borneo carrying supplies. Maybe some make it?
He lands at Davao, but will need to bring more. I'll have a full divisions reassembled in a few days. He only brought 1 regiment.

Houston gets tagged by some bomb toting Kates at long range on the 20th. The damage isn't too bad, but the fires just won't go out. She burnt up after making Hollandia. Dang. Marblehead makes Oz

Nothing new here. He took Alor Star, but doesn't seem to be moving. I only count 2 divisions currently still here along with a pair of regiments from a 3rd (the other regiment is at Ambon). It doesn't seem like enough. Too bad I didn't get that pair of Indian Brigades out of Alor Star in time, or I might be able to counter attack. I'll just keep building forts.
Buffalos from the RAF hit the airbase at Alor Star torching a Mary. I was hoping for a tad more.

His navy turned away from Palembang, and has hit Java full on. I currently count 5 divisions here. Seems like extreme overkill for Java, so my biggest question is where will they go next?
I've tried hitting this force a few times, but all of my attempts looked like allied efforts in the real war. I've only lost 1 British CL (and a few Dutch DDs) though... so I can't complain too much. The Dutch CLs are all in good shape. They snuck in and wacked one of his new captured airfields good. They will pick around the edges until they die.
He has started landing on Sumatra. I have nothing there that can oppose him. I have stalled him at Ambon, though he has taken several other nearby bases denying me any safe space. The Dutch have been harassing him from here and even hit a few xAKs, but by and large have been ineffective.

He appears to be going all in on the northern route to Chungking. I am racing AT guns there as quickly as I can.
Perhaps I can convince him to focus on Wenchow for a bit?


(first need to see how he reacts to a DL on the home islands)

My concern now is to figure out where he is going next. With all that firepower in Java I would guess he is going to either Oz or India.
I am currently racing AA guns to Oz (5 regiments total) to prevent too much strat bombing (I hope). I'm turtling up at Sydney and Melbourne, with some left over at Kalgoorlie. I don't know what else I can do.
In India, I'm turtling up at Bombay and Karachi. I don't want to give him Madras or Calcutta, but I just don't have enough troops to cover them all.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/12/2016 4:19:36 PM)

The AVG raids Haiphong. 1LT Petach becomes the first ace of the war


Macclan5 -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/12/2016 4:49:40 PM)


Good luck !

Encircled -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/12/2016 10:00:26 PM)

Reading as well!

Good luck!

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/23/2016 10:20:47 PM)


West Coast
Still nothing. First construction units start arriving in a few days. One will go to Pearl, the rest will start in So-Cal and work their way north.

Arizona and California make Panama. Maryland and West Virginia are off the map and about 3 weeks out (moving slow). Fingers crossed. Tennessee and Oklahoma should be ready to move to the West Coast by the end of the month. Nevada is the only one lagging significantly behind.

ADM King is pleased to report the Japanese adventure at Palmyra is at an end. Tanks were landed at night on the island, and after a good working over by several cruisers, the tanks push through and drive the uninvited guests back into the sea. Problem is I can't really afford to keep the heavy garrison here. The tanks will leave for Pearl leaving the atoll exposed to a future attack, but for now, the day is good in the eastern Pacific.

Laoag is taken by paratroopers. I lost a handful of recon A/C to them. Otherwise quiet. The 3 Dutch CLs have taken refuge at Manila, along with Boise. All are ready for action. I've sent a Cav regiment to investigate the landing site. The cruisers will support and perhaps we can give him another bloody nose.

He seems to be waiting for something. A lot of units at JB, but no movement on Singers just yet.

He cut through here like a hot knife through butter. Java is gone, as is nearly all of Sumatra. He hasn't put much (if any) effort into Borneo yet, but it is just a matter of time.

Sian falls. He is fully committing to pushing everything through this northern route. I withdrew in good order, but I need to get some road blocks up to slow him down. A Chinese AT gun unit is digging in now, and some British AT guns landed at Bombay a few days ago. They are moving now and will be air-lifted in. Fresh troops from the south are starting to fill in defensive positions, but I don't think it is enough.

He isn't serious about the Wenchow pocket. I sent B17s over Nagasaki. The bounce several bombs off a pair of BBs. I'm looking for an opportunity to hit someplace else now, but the lack of recon assets is killing me.

He lands 2 divisions (that were on Java at one time) at Trincomalee. I had nothing but the fort there so he easily took the base. I doubt I'll get the troops off Ceylon, but maybe I can delay him.
KB raids along the western coast finding little.
6th Australian arrives in a few days. The Queen is waiting, but I'll need to make sure the KB is gone before I try to push them in.

Currently I have about 900 AV at Bombay and Karachi, but little to nothing anywhere else. I can only hope it is enough. The experience levels really frighten me. Those Aussies will be very welcomed.

Bif1961 -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/24/2016 12:46:46 AM)

Can you strat bomb him? Many have rules against start bombing until 43, if not you can use your B-17s to start bomb from China into HI. You could also go after some aircraft factories and slow down his R&D or AC production.

tiemanjw -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/24/2016 6:35:43 AM)



Can you strat bomb him? Many have rules against start bombing until 43, if not you can use your B-17s to start bomb from China into HI. You could also go after some aircraft factories and slow down his R&D or AC production.

I can... I have held off because I didn't want him getting any ideas around Oz if he came to play. But now that he is in India, I think I may start. First need to get some better recon. He is placing some fighters to cover the home islands (a minor win I suppose).

I don't think I want to hit is A/C (unless I can find a R&D factory). I'd rather he builds zeros than franks later.

Macclan5 -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/24/2016 4:22:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: tiemanj



He seems to be waiting for something. A lot of units at JB, but no movement on Singers just yet.

He lands 2 divisions (that were on Java at one time) at Trincomalee. I had nothing but the fort there so he easily took the base. I doubt I'll get the troops off Ceylon, but maybe I can delay him.
KB raids along the western coast finding little.
6th Australian arrives in a few days. The Queen is waiting, but I'll need to make sure the KB is gone before I try to push them in.


1) Curious and curiosity.

You are playing Dababes with stacking limit restrictions / extra penalties (??)

So what have you got in Singers ? What kind of supply are you eating through ?

Essentially is he simply convinced its easier to wait you out till you have no water i.e. real life surrender of Singers.

2) Wow..

I am under the impression/ personal opinion that a Ceylon invasion requires some back stream base support for long term IJN success and is best not completed 'early because its possible'

That back stream support primarily being; (1) Port Blair and (2) Akylab / Cox Bazar for example. Supply lines and retreat lines. AF bases for squadron transfers.

I could of course be completely wrong.

Your opinion ?

What is your situ specifically at Port Blair / Akylab ?

poodlebrain -> RE: tiemanj (A) vs njp72 (J) - Allied AAR (8/24/2016 4:51:31 PM)


Were there any troops still aboard those transports?
No troops, but I would think some still had supplies aboard that the Japanese will have to replace to support their invasion.

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