[ANSWERED] Convert CMANO from Steam zu Matrix? (Full Version)

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roderh -> [ANSWERED] Convert CMANO from Steam zu Matrix? (7/25/2016 6:48:24 AM)


I bought "Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations" via the steam-plattform, but I am not very comfortable with steam.

Is it possible to 'convert' my steam-installation to a Installation, that is equivalent to a version bought from Matrix-Store

I tried to load CMANO via "command.exe" directly, but that did not work and a window popped up and said, that this "steam-client" has to run, before I can start CMANO.

It seems, my steam key does not count as a valid serial-number, when I try to register my game on "Register A Game"-Page on Matrix Games.

Thank you very much for your help in advance!

roderh -> RE: Convert CMANO from Steam zu Matrix? (7/27/2016 6:16:04 AM)


zakblood -> RE: Convert CMANO from Steam zu Matrix? (7/27/2016 7:30:04 AM)

no sorry, it doesn't work this way, if you buy the site version you also get a free steam key, but if you buy on steam, this doesn't happen...


It seems, my steam key does not count as a valid serial-number, when I try to register my game on "Register A Game"-Page on Matrix Games.

site and steam keys aren't the same, you can't register a steam key in your forum account because of this.

so there's no way to convert a steam install to a site version i'm sorry to say

roderh -> RE: Convert CMANO from Steam zu Matrix? (7/27/2016 10:00:43 AM)

Thanks for answering!
Too bad...

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