Elron Hubbub -> RE: Soviet 76.2 mm guns/ammunition thread (7/30/2016 11:30:07 PM)
From another thread...Discussing the Germans dropping the (r) for weapons like the 7,62 cm Pak 36... Re: 76.2 mm Pak 36 Firing Table Data Postby Yoozername » 29 Jul 2016 17:12 I suppose that the 'ownership' was considered German after extensive rework and ammunition manufacture. Possibly, this also explains the FK 39 designation for the reworked USV 76.2mm weapon. It also helped changing to 'FK" since Pak 39 refers to the 7,5 cm L48 weapon of the Hetzer and JgdPzr IV. But, again, I believe the Germans did manufacture its (possessive pronoun) own 'stock' version of the Soviet 76.2 mm ammunition, and also a longer version to use in the reworked Pak 36. I will have to search but there is a side by side picture of the German and Soviet 'stock' ammunition somewhere. Most people are familiar with the German 7.62 cm Pzgr 39 rot used along with the Pak 40 cartridge case. So...this... quote:
The first projectiles had the "russisch. Hulse" with a Russian Ladungsaufbau 1.145 Kg of 9/7 CB pulverart, later the German hulse with an Ladungsaufbau 1.312 Kg Digl.Rp.-60.6-(310-3/1) pulverangaben. ...refers to the standard Soviet ammunition and its German counterpart (what projectile?)...while this... quote:
The British Ordnance Board Critical Velocity graph quoted by F.M. von Senger u. Etterlin, with 7.54 Kg wt. and 740 m/s muzzle velocity are for guns captured in Africa with pen of 0 and 30 degrees deflection (vs. BRITISH armor plate) of 133/108 mm at 0 YARDS, and 78/64 mm at 2500 YARDS. ...actually refers to the German modified Pak 36 with the initial 2.6 Kg of propellant. This... quote:
H.Dv. 119/327 edition dated October 1944: 7.62 cm PzGr 39 rot of 7.6 Kg and 710 m/s MV with velocities at range and official 30 degree deflection performance figures. 100 meters 699 m/s 96 mm pen. 300 meters 678 m/s 92 mm pen. 500 meters 658 m/s 89 mm pen. 1000 meters 607 m/s 80 mm pen. 1500 meters 559 m/s 71 mm pen. 2000 meters 514 m/s 63 mm pen. 2500 meters 472 m/s 55 mm pen. 3000 meters 433 m/s 48 mm pen. Treffer % firing at 2.5/2 meter target with 50% St. breite/hohe: 100 m 100(100)% .1/.1, 300 m 100(100)% .2/.2, 500 m 100(92)% .3/.4, 1000 m 90(52)% .6/.8, 1500 m 66(25)% 1.0/1.3, 2000 m 42(12)% 1.4/1.8, 2500 m 26(07)% 1.9/2.5, 3000 meters 17(05)% 2.4/3.3. ...refers to the later cartridge given in Merkblatt 28/1 from April 1944. That is, a reduced charge of 2.45 Kg and this ammunition is common to both the Pak 36 and the FK 39 (aka Pak 39 (r)). Also, this... quote:
TM-E 30-451 (Handbook on German Military Forces (War Department) 1 March 1945: page VII-35 i. 3-inch Antitank Gun (7.62 cm Pak 39). (1) General Description. This 3-inch antitank gun is a modified version of the Russian field gun 7.62 cm F.K. 297 (r). the chamber is bored out, and a 7.62 Pak 36 muzzle brake is fitted. The breech mechanism is semiautomatic with a vertical sliding block. The mount has box-type trails and pneumatic tires. (2) Characteristics. Caliber 76.2mm (3 inches) Length of tube 11 feet 5 inches Weight in Action 3,360 pounds Muzzle Velocity 2,230 feet per second Traverse 57 degrees Elevation -6 deg to +45 deg Traction Motor-drawn (3) Ammunition. This gun fires the same ammunition as the 7.62 Pak 36 (r), but has somewhat lower performance. Seems to confirm that both modified guns are using the same ammunition, and also both have a lower velocity than previous tests. The Pak 36 is often quoted as having 740 M/s but later it is 710 M/s.