LoBaron -> Thermal/Noise Issue on Windows7/10: Solution (8/1/2016 2:51:04 PM)
Hi! Posting this because the topic came up a couple of times lately (also in a PBEM I recently started). WitP AE seems to use CPU power to the max - even if it is not required for a smooth gaming experience. On many windows PCīs this can lead to thermal issues and/or noisy vents and short battery life on laptops. Here is how I personally solved the issue (using windows10 as an example, but this can also be done on w7): 1) Go to control panel -> all control panel items -> Power Options. 2) Select 'Create a power plan' from the left side of the window. 3) Select 'Balanced' as the template to use and set a name for it (I call mine 'WitP'). 4) Click on 'Continue' and then on 'Create' 5) If you now go back to the Power Options menue you should see your newly created power plan. Select it and click on 'change plan settings'. 6) Click on 'Change advanced power settings'. 7) Now you will see a new window called Power Options, advanced settings. Go to 'Processor power management'. There, set the maximum processor state to a value less than 100% for 'battery' as well as 'plugged in'. (I am using 50% and it works like a charm). 8) Change the 'system cooling policy' from 'active' to 'passive' for 'battery' as well as 'plugged in'. The above will have two effects: Setting CPU to less than 100% will result in the CPU not being maxed out and thus generating significantly less heat. Setting the cooling policy to passive will promt the CPU management to slow the processor before increasing the fan speed. This will significantly reduce thermal as well as noise generation on your computers. If you want to have a cool'n quiet WitP eperience simply activate your new 'WitP' power plan. And if you need all your CPU power available you can simply switch back to one of the default power settings. Just one last hint: donīt create too many of those, deleting power plans can be a bit tricky (easy to google, but it is not like hitting a 'delete power plan' button. Only Microsoft knows why...). Hope this helps!