t001001001 -> RE: hurry (8/11/2016 12:43:27 AM)
Long/boring/pointless post: When the first Strategic Command was built, I downloaded the demo. It ended about 1940 something. I was able to take poland, france, hungary, yugo, romania, bulgaria... and then the demo ended! Just when things were about to get interesting! That's the best demo I ever played regarding getting the player to take out his credit card and demand more! No brainer purchase. That was before full game electronic dl sales (instant gratification) So I had to wait 7-10 bidness days to get my grubby hands on the full game. An eternity. I grew up playing Axis and Allies board game vs my Dad. So I turned Dad onto SC1. He loved it, he still plays it vs comp, at the time we played tcp/ip almost a hundred games prolly. SC2 came out, I got it. Dad is in his 70's, so he didn't turn onto it right away, but eventually he did and we play, always have a game going. Just today I took SC2 turns vs Dad. I recently rebuilt Dad's computer. He wanted to be sure SC1, SC2 (of course b/c we still play it all the time) and his hoyle card games all work. This is important. I guess my point is. We've had thousands of hours enjoying this franchise. Looking forward to the new one.