stefankollers -> RE: Why does War in the West begin in 1943 ? (8/11/2016 10:14:58 AM)
Many thanks for your quick and clear answer, I suppose many factors come into play when planning a computer game, I knew the early campaigns Poland, France, Balkans were very short. I have to say I forgot about the week long turns. The French Campaign, maybe 10-12 turns, stretching it. Poland perhaps 4-6 turns and so on. Oh well, perhaps a talented modder could make a Campaign or two. Although I guess like War in the East the start date is hard coded. Having played War in the East,"badly" I very much enjoy the game and dont fancy playing any other games, so like many others I live in hope. As a side note any plans on bringing out any more DLC'S For War in the West, or is that top secret ?[:D] All the best and I hope you have some good games to play when you retire.