kaleun -> Minister of Industry and Munitions needed (9/6/2016 11:13:50 PM)
I need a minister of industry and munitions, Albert Speer if available, for DaBabes C scen 29. What I would want is someone who would look over and manage the Imperial Industrial effort, maybe handle civilian shipping before I totally ruin Nihon's economy.[8|] Bilbo (Allies) and I are playing a rather fast game, with pauses mostly on weekends, but I don't think Herr Speer would need to be bothered to look at the game more than every 6 or 7 days (game time) but of course he or she can look or intervene as often as required. The job offers full intelligence briefings, full medical and dental. Inquiries here or via pm. Domo arigato goisaimasu.