Reference Point Question (Full Version)

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HercMighty -> Reference Point Question (9/21/2016 4:01:09 PM)

If you have a set of 4 reference points set to a relative bearing in front of a TG, assign say a Sub to a ASW patrol in that box, and the TG changes direction (along with the reference points as they are set to relative) should the sub recalculate it's patrol area?

mikmykWS -> RE: Reference Point Question (9/21/2016 4:33:41 PM)

Not sure if we programmed it to do that. If you hit the F3 key twice it should plot a new reference point where the zone now is.


stilesw -> RE: Reference Point Question (9/21/2016 5:56:29 PM)

Yes, it should. Here is a small scenario where I've created an AAW patrol area with prosecution zone around an aircraft (ostensibly AF One). A fighter escort has been assigned to the patrol area and the areas along with the fighters follow the 747-400 as designed. The patrol zone remains attached to AF One even when it has landed however, the fighters do not land but loiter until the 747 takes off again (some Lua coding could probably do this). The same principle works for ships.

-Wayne Stiles

HercMighty -> RE: Reference Point Question (9/21/2016 8:16:31 PM)

Interesting. Was playing the Spartly Scenario just released, and the limited time I did the sub did not adjust it's patrol based on the change in area. Though, I will further state that the sub hadn't made it to the zone yet and maybe that's the issue. If it was already on station and performing the mission maybe then it works just fine...have to play with it some more. Also, the reference points were already created by the scenario designer, didn't seemed to be being used by anything in the mission editor, but might be used in some other fashion and maybe that is affecting what I am seeing to...

While the F3 suggestion would work, once it is setup be nice not to have to worry about it. I may just need to play with it some more though to and I just noticed anomaly....

cf_dallas -> RE: Reference Point Question (9/21/2016 10:32:14 PM)

In my observation... Subs/ships/aircraft will plot a course to a randomly selected point in the patrol box. They'll move to that point, at Transit speed while the outside the area, at Patrol speed once they're inside the area. Upon reaching that point, they plot a new course to another point inside the area.

If the patrol area is moving (relative ref pts), then the unit could find itself outside the patrol box. This could happen because the referenced unit changed course, or simply because that unit continued far enough along the same path. From what I've seen, the patrolling unit doesn't immediately recalculate and set a new course, they continue along the existing path to the existing waypoint. However, they will speed up to transit speed. Upon reaching that point, a new waypoint is set inside the zone (wherever the zone has moved). The unit will move to the new point, just like before... Transit until reaching the patrol box, Patrol speed once it's inside.

From what I've seen, this generally works very well. There's often a short delay between the base unit's course change and the patrol correcting, but I've never seen a case where it made any tactical difference.

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