CCIP-subsim -> RE: Games with good AI? (4/26/2017 11:36:28 PM)
Lots of good mentions here already that I would've put on that list! Wodin's list is great, and I'd have it WITH the Wings over Flanders Fields thing, too [:D] Seriously, it has really excellent AI, my favourite feature of which is the fact that it's not merely obsessed with killing you, but has this sadly-unusual tendency (for a game) to actually think about its own survival - and has a fight/flight/ignore logic that takes into account things like skill, fatigue, and advantages in number and altitude. Another good flight sim AI deserving of mention is in the also-single-player-only Battle of Britain II. In shooters, I'd vote the Stalker series - but with the caveat that it's not that impressive in the stock games; it's in the various major mods (of which there are many) that the AI can be really impressive and results in some of the best firefights you can get in single player. I want to get more into Pike and Shot! I definitely thought the AI there was quite good, though with the caveat that some of it is due to the combat mechanics which basically takes units completely out of your control once they're engaged in melee combat or pursuit. I'm a huge fan of the AI in Scourge of War (I can only judge by the Gettysburg series - haven't played Waterloo yet, though I own it) - particularly since the proper way to play that game at any level above brigade is to learn how to delegate orders to your AI subordinates and watch them carry it out. And they're generally pretty good at it, but each have different personalities and tactical styles - as do enemy commanders. You end up thinking much less about raw numbers or micromanaging units as a result, and start thinking about who Division commanders A, B, and C's are, what their troops are like, what situation they're in and what you could reasonably count on from them. A somewhat simpler, quicker-paced and easier-to-get-into Civil War title would be Ultimate General (originally UG: Gettysburg, now in early access as UG: Civil War), which also has really excellent and very customazable AI - if you like Total War games, this series is made by a team led by Darth of the DarthMod fame who was famous for his brilliant AI mods for TW titles from Rome through Napoleon. They really know what it takes to give you a challenging AI opponent - which regularly kicks my butt in unpredictable ways. If you want very good AI in a game that's quick to learn - this one's your ticket!