Foxendown -> Very old scenario-is it retrievable? (10/9/2016 1:33:28 PM)
I wonder if anyone knows whether there is any way of recovering a very old scenario that I put together during the beta test. It was simply a copy of one of the "monster" Harpoon scenarios called "The Surge" so I can claim no credit for the design, just the conversion work which I never quite finished. When I try to load it of course I get the message about it being built in a previous database version (I seem to remember that used to tell you which db you needed but it doesn't now). However I have copies of all the old dbs so I was able to give it a try (btw if I am breaking any rules by keeping this old stuff I will happily delete it all). The result was that I broke Command and had to re-install from scratch, not good! So is there a safe way I can reconstitute the scenario, it was a massive opus involving 100s of platforms, but if it's irretrievably lost so be it.