Foxendown -> [WAD]Problem with event editor, possible bug (10/30/2016 6:46:58 PM)
I am building a scenario in 1.11 SR5 build 847.1 but am now stuck because I can no longer edit some items properly. 1. I created an event called "Iceland Boost", which I subsequently deleted. However, it is still in force as can be seen from the scoring log, though it does not appear in the event editor. 2. I created two actions called "Scenario begins bonus NATO" and "Scenario begins bonus USSR" giving 1000 points to each side. I edited these later to give each side 1400 points but this change has not been implemented though it appears in the editor, the action still delivers 1000 points. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but would be very grateful for any advice. I have attached the scenario file as it stands now rather than a savegame because these issues arise at the beginning. Many thanks.