Stukadawg -> (5/15/2001 9:29:00 AM)
My friend's grandfather drove a 250 or 251 ambulance for a while in the Totemkopf division. He told me a story about throwing a track, propping up a wounded soldier behind the MG, and fixing the track either alone or with minimal help.
I'm going to call him (my friend, not his late grandfather) and get him to tell me about that again.
From speculation, I'd assume a country with such an affinity for anything mechanical would make it possible (by design or with special tools) for such a repair to be made quickly and with minimal manpower.
Like I said, I'll ask again either tomorrow or within a few days. But hell, you guys will know the answer before I even get to ask; and my answer will only apply to one variant of one halftrack (although I'm sure they were all the same), and all my friend knows about is German stuff anyway. I have to say though, he has my full attention when he talks about his grandfather.
I'd say, "What an incredibly brave man..."
My friend replies, "He was nuts."
God bless him either way.
Looks like we're gonna be making a lot of extra work for these good folk at Matrix, but they like that...
...don't they?
P.S.: My friend's grandmother is still alive but I don't have the heart to ask her about the War. She's a total sweetheart. I'd rather keep the smile on her face.