topeverest -> RE: Turn 196 March 15, 1945 (12/26/2019 6:42:08 PM)
VP - 118 (-1 Brest-Litovisk captured by Reds) Trucks - 120 (186) - two more armored armies thrown into action, so not bad staying -62 (113K vehicles in repair) AP usage Disband numerous support units, some brigades and divisions. Reorganize armies around Koeinsburg AFV Losses G - 494, R - 569 Airframe Losses G - 447, R - 677 Destroyed German Units - 15 Reds continue large front doctrine. Key activities: 1. Red Test the Truck Waters by pushing 2 more armored armies into action in the push for Koeinsburg. They make short work of defenders and attack With the Nemanti river anchoring their right flank. In a bout of poor planning, I actually broke the back of the German defense in one turn and did not have enough local armor, mech, and cavalry to close the Memel pocket. Stalin, frustrated with himself, pulls the armored spearheads back to prevent counterattack. 2. The last vestiges of the German Brest-Litovisk salient collapse. 13 previously pocketed divisions (15 units)surrender about 50 miles east of BL. Russian armor pusing NW and N bypass three SS Panzer divisions and push 30 miles further, crossing the Bug in places. The Germans will have to be Houdini to get those units free. 3. Near Lublin, in SW Poland, Germany has placed its strongest Armored force. 26 enemy armor and mech divisions are operating in that local area. Progress was linear and pretty slow, though serious grinding on enemy occurred. 4. At the southernmost piece of the plains where the Carpathian Mountains sprout, Reds throw armor at the relatively weekly held sector and make good progress up to the San river and endanger a breakthrough in the area 5. In Hungary, Reds nearly make an unexpected breakthrough after crossing the Somesul Mic river but have no armor locally to exploit. Again bad planning on my part. 6. off the battlefield, the Reds make a long overdue overhaul of their air corps unit and mission mix