wtwelder -> PWHEX Data - What is This? (11/13/2016 4:26:15 PM)
I'm looking for some help as I try to install WitPAE on a new laptop running Windows 10. My current installation is on a desktop PC running Windows 7. My PBEM partner and I are both running WiTPAE patched version of the game. I installed the baseline version of WitPAE on the laptop. I then installed the patch to get to the current version we are using. The program seems to work fine except when I try to read in a game file from my current PBEM game. When I try to read in a previous turn I get the usual message about the file not being an End of Turn file. I then get another message saying: PWHEX Data Differs continue? If I continue I go into the game and everything appears normal. Does anyone know if the PWHEX Data issue is a problem? If so, how do I get around the problem. Please note that I also tried to install the YamatoDamashii_CloudyDay map upgrade, but that involves substituting ART and SOUND folders and I restored the original ART and SOUND folders without fixing the problem. Thank you for any help that you might be able to provide.