SPWAW scenarios (Full Version)

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ollittm -> SPWAW scenarios (5/12/2001 7:19:00 PM)

Where are they stored right now? Raiders site only has the current issue scenarios available for download and the militarygamer link to SPWAW is broken .. Matrixgames doesn't host the depot anymore? I was really looking for finns vs russians scenarios now that there was the very very cool "surprise at suurmäki" scenario with 5.0!

Wild Bill -> (5/14/2001 11:15:00 PM)

Sorry Olli! I did not see your post until now. We are currently planning to update all the scenarios in the depot soon as it is running again. There are some revised Finnish scenarios in the 5.0-5.1 version and we hope that there are more to come. Wild Bill

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