Cost of Box and Shipping? (Full Version)

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Grim.Reaper -> Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/17/2016 10:48:49 PM)

Really interested in the manual but shipping costs seem a bit excessive unless I am doing something wrong. I live in the USA and the cost of shipping is $20, when the cost of the actual box upgrade is only $15. Would have thought shipping in the USA to be a lot lower and don't recall ever paying that much for shipping. When I ship books from other online book stores that are even much bigger, only a few dollars. Am I doing something wrong?

budd -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/17/2016 11:03:46 PM)

nope your not doing anything wrong, same for me. Well thats a buzz kill, might have to wait until amazon sells it. I guess there sending product to Amazon soon. Doesnt seem to matter where you live, seems like a $20 flat rate no matter what, that defiantly seems excessive, i've ordered lots of things online and dont think ive ever payed $20 for shipping especially for a book.
I wonder if you buy the digital downlnowoad and then get the manual as an addon later will it still be $20 shipping.

Grim.Reaper -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/17/2016 11:07:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: **budd**

nope your not doing anything wrong, same for me. Well thats a buzz kill, might have to wait until amazon sells it. I guess there sending product to Amazon soon. Doesnt seem to matter where you live, seems like a $20 flat rate no matter what, that defiantly seems excessive, i've ordered lots of things online and dont think ive ever payed $20 for shipping especially for a book.
I wonder if you buy the digital downlnowoad and then get the manual as an addon later will it still be $20 shipping.

Agreed, huge and shipping costs just about as much as the game itself. Unfortunately, if I want to buy this game, I can't wait until Amazon since I have the anniversary coupon that I need to use in the next day.

May have to go download only, can't remotely justify $20 for shipping a book.

Dorb -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/17/2016 11:08:08 PM)

Just bought it and was thinking the same thing, but a sucker for manuals, let alone hardback ones so ended up just dealing with it and downloading now, but was surprised somewhat.(In Ohio $75.00 for everything.)

But it is what it is, and hobbies are expensive.

PS- just bought 2 Axis & Allies board games from CSI.(coolstuffinc) Europe and Pacific 1940 2nd edition. $62.00/e anything over $100 free freight - not sure how they do it but these are big heavy games and take a lot more space than a book for $20 and its free)

Grim.Reaper -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/17/2016 11:11:18 PM)

That's what I don't get.....if I ship something from my home or local shipping spot, even something much bigger than a book, it only costs me a few dollars....I am just a person and not a company (so no volume discounts), yet I can do it for much cheaper....just doesn't add up.

Dorb -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/17/2016 11:29:13 PM)

Maybe it is like ebay. Great price upfront but They get ya on the backside with freight. lol. [:'(]

Like I said, I'm old school and a sucker for game manuals, I blame Microprose, Interplay, SSI, Sierra, Three Sixty Games and Interactive Magic for my game manual OCD. [:D]
Just glad it is an option to buy if you want and not forced on us. Feel lucky for the folks who do not suffer the same obsession.[;)]

Grim.Reaper -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/17/2016 11:35:13 PM)

Would have enjoyed the manual as well....but not going to pay $20 shipping for it. Went with digital download only, too bad.

Zap -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/17/2016 11:41:31 PM)

Feel for you both. But some have it worse. I bought Civilization VI with shipping cost 69.00. then discovered my computer graphic card can't handle it. So now the cost rises to another 500. for a computer equal to the task! [:)]

Dorb -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/17/2016 11:51:36 PM)



Feel for you both. But some have it worse. I bought Civilization VI with shipping cost 69.00. then discovered my computer graphic card can't handle it. So now the cost rises to another 500. for a computer equal to the task! [:)]

Ouch now that really hurts.
Look on the bright side, look at all the other games it may open up also.(that is when the real expense comes in)
I'm looking at Civ VI, like the Total War series - Gonna hold off and wait for all the DLC / patches to enjoy and at a reduced price. Have plenty of games to hold me over until then.

sPzAbt653 -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 2:11:36 AM)

I was going to get the digital only for $40, but when I saw the 'boxed' version DOES come with a HARD COVER manual, it was a no-brainer to go for the manual [even though it will surely change in the future]. The last time I bought a 'box set' I did so because I assumed it came with a manual, but all I got for the extra $10 was a box [:(] [should have read the product info more carefully first].

So, to put a positive spin on it, the game is $40 and the beautiful hard cover manual with color photos will cost us $35. That's not bad at all for such a book, is it ?

t001001001 -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 3:28:06 AM)


sPzAbt653 -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 3:50:46 AM)

And let us not forget, the game is ONLY $40 ! Are you kidding me ? I would have been happy with at least $60 and expected it to be more. I fully suspect that this game isn't something that most of us will spend a few hours on and then move on to something else. I know most of us will playing it for years [&o]

operating -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 4:09:00 AM)

I like nothing better than getting away from a computer screen to read up on a problem or an understanding about the game. Also from the looks of it, to run a version through my printer would likely cost at least one ink cartridge plus a ream of paper weighing 20 lbs..

Grim.Reaper -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 8:26:31 AM)



And let us not forget, the game is ONLY $40 ! Are you kidding me ? I would have been happy with at least $60 and expected it to be more. I fully suspect that this game isn't something that most of us will spend a few hours on and then move on to something else. I know most of us will playing it for years [&o]

The cost of the game nor the actual manual is not in question....both are very reasonable. But $20 shipping (possibly more in other countries) is not reasonable when any one of us can ship something similar for far less. If part of the reason is they use some kind of expedited shipping then they should have other options available since for some people there is no rush to receive.

I understand some people are fine with paying that much, but just doesn't seem to add up. But at this point I just bought the download version and the manual displays fine on my ipad. Still disappointed since I had every intention of buying the manual.

sPzAbt653 -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 9:11:09 AM)

Sir, do a mind control exercise on yourself :

~ The Game costs $50, the Manual costs $25, and shipping is free ~

Repeat this to yourself as you fall asleep, and when you awake, you will be a happy customer. [:D]

And the normal disclaimer - what is stated above is NOT true, I'm just trying to lighten the mood a little.

Theages -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 9:42:24 AM)

I live in Austria (Europe).
In December 2014 I bought "War in the West" boxed version (EUR 81,99). The shipment cost was EUR 2,50.
Today I checked, the price is EUR 93,99 and shipment is EUR 34,52 (!!).
So the shipment cost ist the same as it is now for SC.

1 US-Dollar ≈ 0,94 Euro

The shipment cost first implied to me, that they are shipping from the US (WitW came from within the European Union), which leads to the problem of import taxes, which are calculated from the product price and the shipping costs, which raises the total price by another at least 20%.

My last purchase showed Matrixgames address in Great Britain.
I looked on FedEx home page, what I would have to pay for a delivery from Matrixgames' address to mine. It showed EUR 47,20 (!!!!) for a 2kg package (~ EUR 39 for 1kg). So Matrixgames does charge less than the nominal fee.

When checked how much the Austrian "POST" would charge for a shipment from Austria to Great Britain it only showed EUR 15,75 (cheapest with recipient signing.
When I checked UPS it showed EUR 97,09.
British Royal Mail would cost about EUR 20,00.

I think the shipment cost is prohibitive.

I also could not purchase the digital version, because my VISA did not work. It had worked 7 days ago on Matrixgames-store and did work today on the store of another vendor.

Meteor2 -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 10:41:32 AM)

I just checked it, too.
Nearly 35 € for shipping. I planned (of course) to buy the boxed version, but not for these shipping costs.
Hard to understand, why such high costs are needed. In the past I bought books in the US and the shipping was 10 - 20$ to Germany.
35 € seem to be very high.. [:(]

xwormwood -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 11:48:41 AM)

But on the other hand the hardcover manual looks so unbelievable awesome!

Theages -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 2:39:26 PM)

I just got a reply from Slitherine support.
"Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately the German Warehouse has closed so items do ship from the US. We are working on reopening the German Warehouse but do not yet have a date for when this will be done. We are also due to get the game sent to the UK Amazon store, which will reduce shipping costs and avoid customs for European customers, so this will be available in the coming weeks. Unfortunately though at this moment there is only the option to purchase from the site. I'm sorry for this."

So for european customers there not only the high shipment costs (trans-atlantic) to be paid but also the customs (import VAT) have to be additionally paid (at delivery).

IainMcNeil -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 3:13:54 PM)

While there used to be cases of people being charged import duty, in practice we find it is not applied, at least not recently. For the last couple of years its been shipping from the US and haven't heard of anyone complaining for years about this problem. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong and you've been charged tax but I've not heard of this for a long long time.

budd -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 3:41:05 PM)

Question Ian, if I buy from Amazon and then register the game to my account in the future will I be able to download it or will I always have to use the disk to install?

What state in US do you guys ship out of?

Theages -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 4:06:32 PM)

The problem is not import duty (that would only be applied, when the product + shipping is more than EUR 150). The Problem is import sales tax.

Whenever a product is bought outside the EU (by a consumer), importing it into the EU incurs a sales tax equivalent to the sales tax, you would have to pay in the EU (in Austria 20%), if the worth of the product ist higher than EUR 22. It is calculated from the sum of the price of the product and the shipment cost to the border of the EU (there are fixed portions according to the point of origin).
This is regulated in the national laws (for Austria § 1 Abs 1 Z 3 UStG), which are partly referring to the "Zoll Kodex" ("customs code" of the EU). Besides other things, §26 UStG regulates that the person, who is sending the product, has to declare the price and shipment cost easily accessible for the customs.

In Austria this called "Einfuhrumsatzsteuer" (= import sales tax). If a product is bought and sent from within the EU there is no such tax, since the normal sales tax has to be paid by the vendor according to the laws of his store. (eg. if the store is in Germany, german tax has to be paid to the german authorities).

If the product is bought outside the EU but delivered from a place within the EU there is no such tax.
If it is bought from an UK based vendor (a week ago BlueSnap referred to Matrixgames with an address in the UK), but delivered with a point of origin outside the EU, the import sales tax is applied and has to be paid by the consumer.

Therefore it is really bad, that there is no warehouse (which may not be a "Zolllager", that is treated like it was outside the EU) within the EU.

IainMcNeil -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 4:28:48 PM)

My point is Theages that they don't apply that in practice. People can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm not aware of this being charged and not heard any recent complaints of this. I know it happened a few years ago but stopped for some reason. If anyone has been charged it please shout but as I say I'm not aware of it and it never happens when we place orders shipped here. The fact that nobody is complaining about it makes me believe it just doesn't happen.

having said that we'd been arguing for a European Warehouse consistently. We hope it might happen but its beyond our control and only happens if our supplier decide to do it. It would make life easier in many ways.

IainMcNeil -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 4:30:27 PM)

Budd we're trying to automate the process of re-downloading games so no matter where you bought you'll be able to download again from us. The system is not fully set up and will probably be a number of months before its ready but ultimately that is the goal.

Grim.Reaper -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 4:33:56 PM)

I apologize if I missed, but I see the discussion of remote country costs , but why is USA costs high too if warehouse here?

IainMcNeil -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 4:45:39 PM)

Looking this up, this is what we are charged. We actually make a loss on postage, but a small one. We have to charge an averaged rate so all US postage is one price, while in reality we get charged a specific rate for each item but its not something we can pre calculate so have to estimate it. We use UPS and FedEx for international. If you know of a cheaper option then we'd love to hear.

We looked at all sorts of options. We found that shipping to Switzerland is vastly cheaper than shipping anywhere else in Europe so looked at setting up a redirection office there. Only to find shipping anything out of Switzerland is extortionate. We'd love to offer a better option but all our efforts have been frustrated so far :(

Challerain -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 5:00:13 PM)

Iain - that doesn't really make sense. A Priority Mail medium box is a flat rate $13.45.

dox44 -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 5:04:56 PM)

even to waxahachie


IainMcNeil -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 5:12:06 PM)

Remember the books are very heavy - please send me the details of where you get your info from. We're not making our numbers up - this is what we get charged (and make a small loss)!

IslandInland -> RE: Cost of Box and Shipping? (11/18/2016 5:26:35 PM)

Shipping to the UK is £29.70. That is a dealbreaker for me. It rankles even more given Slitherine are based in the UK and yet the product ships from the US.

I decided to wait for the Amazon release and see how much shipping is there.

I'm not buying it anyway, my other half is buying it for my birthday, but I don't expect her to pay nearly £30 shipping. [:D]

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