List of Owned Forces by type (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Strategic Command Series >> Strategic Command WWII War in Europe


mariandavid -> List of Owned Forces by type (11/22/2016 1:35:14 AM)

Is there (I will readily admit to possible overlook) a way to get a list of ones existing forces - which I would find exceedingly useful when planning production.

Ironclad -> RE: List of Owned Forces by type (11/22/2016 8:05:54 AM)

Agree. One in the same format as the Detailed Losses screen would be fine for one's forces and allies. It does raise the related issue of whether you would get any more info on the enemy forces beyond the current grand totals for land, sea and air. That would need to be more general and misleading at times, perhaps more accurate as you get better intelligence research.

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