The Holiday Sale is here! (Full Version)

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Daniele -> The Holiday Sale is here! (11/23/2016 9:46:40 AM)

The winter festive season is upon us and the Matrix Holiday Sale has just begun!

With hundreds of products available and great deals all around, this is the best moment to celebrate.

If you want you can download the pdf version here
Amazing titles like Tigers on the Hunt, Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa and Command: Modern / Air Operations (and many more!) are part of this incredible sale!

The sale starts on November 23rd until January 8th!

wings7 -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/23/2016 10:39:00 AM)


RodyMetal -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/23/2016 11:26:41 AM)

Xmas started for me with matrix games flalala la la la laaaaaaaaaaa

Qwixt -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/23/2016 3:26:45 PM)


Dorb -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/23/2016 10:24:30 PM)

Great, time to round out some of the collection that is all ready back logged on actual game play.

ncc1701e -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/24/2016 6:20:20 PM)

[&o] Panzer Corps Gold 50% off [&o]

Crossroads -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/25/2016 9:52:09 AM)

Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 50% off!

Just sayin' [8D]

zakblood -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/25/2016 10:33:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: Crossroads

Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 50% off!

Just sayin' [8D]


RodyMetal -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/26/2016 7:51:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: zakblood


ORIGINAL: Crossroads

Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 50% off!

Just sayin' [8D]


Zakblood praise this, then I will get it [:)]

Crossroads -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/26/2016 8:33:00 AM)

Thanks for your support, RodyMetal!

Rusty1961 -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/27/2016 9:11:36 PM)

If I buy GG: Western Front is it available for digital download or Steam download?

zakblood -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (11/28/2016 4:26:41 AM)

digital download only, as game has yet to be released on steam, atm there is no plans to release on steam, but if at a later date it does happen to get released, once bought from here, you will also get a steam key then, but like i said, at the moment the developers have posted on the forum there is no plans to release on steam atm.

brucemcl777 -> RE: The Holiday Sale is here! (12/4/2016 4:00:06 PM)

I've already purchased 4 or 5 games in the sale here but I have a question -

I'm going to purchase John Tillers Battleground Civil War next - on the product page it says quote

Note: A special discount is available if you purchase this title together with Battleground Napoleonic Wars!

But no additional discount appears when I try it - I don't have a huge interest in the Napoleonic Wars but will buy it too if there is an advantage - so does it still apply or is it disabled since the games are both down to $14.99 Canadian in the holiday sale? Thanks [&o]

I'm Spartacus on Steam

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