This or WiTE? (Full Version)

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ChristianH2000 -> This or WiTE? (11/25/2016 2:14:54 AM)

First of all sorry if this is in the wrong forum/section.

As someone who is interested in buying one the the two which one is better(In your opinions)? I'm really torn i love history and have knowledge in both theaters of Operations, part of me wants too see if i did what the German Generals wanted to do in France instead of what Hitler wanted if that'd make a difference or battle Russia and again see if instead of going after Stalingrad just go for Moscow and the Caucasus see if i could do any better there. What are the pros and cons to each?

loki100 -> RE: This or WiTE? (11/25/2016 9:25:59 AM)

well its really a matter of what interests you. Both are engaging games and you'll get your money back.

For WiTE - its older, the air war is less realistic, it has more yes/no rules than WiTW (which affects the realism of the supply system) but you have the sheer scale and scope of the war between the Soviets and the Axis. Also both sides get to attack and defend over the course of the game.

For WiTW, far better air and supply systems, the challenge of managing the strategic air war as well as ground operations. On the other hand it is realistically attack vs defense at the strategic level all game. The Germans have offensive capacity but are never going to be other than on the strategic defensive.

Commanderski -> RE: This or WiTE? (11/25/2016 12:34:55 PM)

Playing WITW will get you ready for WITE 2.0 Most of what is in WITW will be carried over to WITE 2.o so you won't have to relearn as much when that comes out.

ChristianH2000 -> RE: This or WiTE? (11/25/2016 2:53:28 PM)

Well thanks for all the comments! I think i'm going with WiTW, then down the road maybe WiTE.

SheperdN7 -> RE: This or WiTE? (11/25/2016 7:46:39 PM)

I have WitE and it is absolutely positively MASSIVE with the scope and scale. I would agree with the comment that its older, air war isn't the greatest but it holds up. At the end of the day personally I think it comes down to which front you like more, personally I like the Eastern Front more than the west, which is why at the time I bought WitE instead of WitW but now I'm looking to buy WitW now that my budget allows me to.

A year ago I had the opportunity to choose between WitW, WitE, and WitP:AE and I went with AE as its the "biggest" of the three. I easily got my money's worth and same with WitE when I bought it later. WitW will probably be the same and that's all I can ask for at the end of the day [:)]

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