RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Gary Grigsby's Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich


simovitch -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (7/19/2018 3:18:47 AM)

Not sure if you played with the old graphics for comparison. The game graphics are limited to zooming in and out on a single bitmap so things get fuzzy close up. Is that what you mean?

Alas the historic artwork option didn't make it into this patch. I think all it did was add the "broken crosses" to the tails of the German planes, no?

dwbennett -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (11/29/2018 9:10:54 PM)

One thing to remember is to be sure to have the Display, Scale and layout set to 100% and not something higher as I did to start with. To change this go to the Windows Settings and select System.

Take care,

demyansk -> RE: windows 10 compatibility testing (11/28/2019 3:26:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: zakblood




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