624 to 12, but fun is the real point (Full Version)

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Sheist -> 624 to 12, but fun is the real point (11/28/2016 11:08:10 AM)

Now that truly is an EPIC victory! 624 to 12.

Felled Britain in late 1804, then kept at least one nation on life support while disposing of the rest as they became available, acquiring all possible minor territories and happily watched the Spanish guerillas retire for good. Kept Austria in its surrounded trap and saved Turkey for last. (December 1815)

Ahhh, now that is a fine Sunday evening's entertainment. What a great game. :)

Some observations/best-practices I have noticed:

- wait for the Spanish guerillas to number at least 8 before doing battle, to avoid that pesky "surprise attack" short battle line.
- Britain never attacks an EMPTY blue Egypt... I have no idea why. If I leave the original 5 units or 1 unit, it attacks... but ignores it completely when I abandon it, and I continue to own it for the entire game.
- Britain fails to invade my unprotected fleets in port, despite whatever army is adjacent. Doesn't it know that one good "Storms" card and the combine-and-sail party is on? ANY losses in army is worth taking away Napoleon's "combined fleet" option. (This is the first thing I would do when/if playing as Britain)
- Late in this game, I started seeing Spanish guerillas spawning in Austria and Russia since they had no remaining troops of their own when they were again declared war against. I know this is supposed to represent "the people's army/militia rising up to defend the homeland", but does look funny to see Spanish-flagged volunteers popping up to defend Russia and Austria!

Yes, this is Corporal level. Hey, its fun. I hate hate to lose any units, and I particularly bristle when the computer throws the Foraging and/or Attrition cards. Arggh!!!!

Sheist -> RE: 624 to 12, but fun is the real point (12/9/2016 6:34:03 AM)

Here's another gem.

502 to 0. Must move troops from Egypt to Portugal on first turn, then survive at least one counterattack until you can reinforce it.

2.5 years to kill off Britain... superb! :)

Sheist -> RE: 624 to 12, but fun is the real point (1/27/2018 10:46:05 AM)

691 to 14, my highest so far.

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