Dimitris -> Running CMANO/CMO in 4K/UHD monitors without UI issues (11/30/2016 10:31:19 AM)
(Where 4K/UHD = anything with a resolution higher than 1920x1080) SOLUTION #1 (New in v1.12): ------------------------------------- 1) Navigate to the Command installation folder. Right-click on the file Command.exe to bring up the file properties dialog. In the compatibility tab check the "Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by:" check box and in the drop down for that, select "System". 2) ONLY IF USING STEAM: Navigate to the Command installation folder. On the folder \GameMenu_CMANO, right click on the file autorun.exe to bring up the file properties dialog. In the compatibility tab check the "Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by:" check box and in the drop down for that, select "System". (Thanks to Mark Doran for the tip!) NOTE: In CMO, there is no GameMenu_CMANO folder. Instead, right-click on the file "Launcher.exe" and apply the tweak as described above. 3) Delete the file Command.ini (located in [Command install folder]\Config) 4) Run Command. The UI should now lay out correctly without any distortions. SOLUTION #2 (Do this only if #1 does not work on your system): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Shut down Command, and delete the Command.ini file located in [Command install folder]\Config. Deleting this file will reset your personal preferences and (this is the important bit) detected DPI settings. 2) On your OS display settings, set the resolution to 1920x1080, and the "size if text, apps and other items" (a.k.a. DPI setting) to 100% (or 125% if you want to experiment). 3) Log off your Windows session and log-in back again (This is essential! Windows 10 allows changing the DPI settings without forcing you to log-off, but many apps and indeed even many Windows UI elements will be distorted if you don't. This includes Command.) 4) Start up Command. The revised DPI settings will be detected and Command will adjust itself to them. The UI elements should now render properly and without issues. Please let us know if following the above instructions does not resolve your issues. Thanks!