Peter66 -> RE: Interest in CSG Daily Campaign (1/6/2017 7:28:29 PM)
Bookmarked. This community is fantastic. So very helpful. I've started the campaign, it's got an outline and the first mission is being worked on. Thought it might be beneficial to other scenario authors if I detail my ideas here to perhaps help someone else. I found Command's ability, or lack of, to currently track unit losses accurately across multiple scenario's was rather frustrating. However that quickly turned in to a challenge to find a way around it rather than a problem. Here's how I'm doing my campaign, hopefully it will be quite different to the normal scenarios. You take on the roll of commanding a new Task Force based in Japan. It's also based on hypothetical and alternate history, not major changes but enough for artistic licensing. You will not be allowed any unit losses what so ever, that means you must be entirely successful in any combat situations you engage in; as well as any logistical moves you make. Planes running out of fuel and crashing will automatically fail a scenario for example. However, in order to combat the limitations of such harsh problems you face I have implemented a far greater enemy: Diplomacy. Now I'm not going to give too much of the story away because it's what drives the gameplay choices you make. But I will say this, as your operations of menial and possibly boring (for some) take place, events around the pacific evolve. When you are asked to respond to these threats there will likely be some high stress situations. Because here's what I intend to do: In a few scenarios where you are not allowed to engage a side but they act hostile, most if not all the time you can guess they will turn hostile. You place your units on alert, prepare to engage and wait. Knowing that soon within the duration of the scenario there's a 90% chance these guys will suddenly turn red and attack. What if however you were in that state of limbo for several scenario's never knowing when they will turn hostile, if ever. Those flights of air intercept fighters that have been on patrol close to your exclusion zone... the destroyer that's been shadowing your course for the last 3 days. All while diplomatic relations deteriorate, then go back up a bit. Then down again. Lull the player in to a false sense of security, then WHAM! Just when you didn't need it. Your aircraft are on maintenance. The submarine is out of range. Your tanker is vulnerable. You just lost two transports because you assigned too many fighters to an area you thought was right... but you were wrong. Days of planning and playing just gone wrong because you let your guard down. Or did you? Did you request through special actions the help of joint forces? Your allies. Are they too on patrol? You use special actions again to request a change of EMCON but instead are denied due to your low score. Instead you must rely on your allies but they aren't covering the areas you need most covered. Your blind. Next you get a message two vampires detected and they are heading right for one of your high value targets... I've also been working on some different uses for current missions. Especially "ferry". Spare parts. Logistical transfer using helicopters. Men and women who may fall so ill they must be taken to a land hospital and as such must be removed off the ship within a specified time period. Except you'll only just make it and you'll have some planning to do. Your helicopters are on maintenance and will only just come out on time. Unless of course you use those new Ospreys you have. You won't make it to land unless it's full speed and it needs to air to air refuel 3/4 of the way in. What decisions will you make? I'm hoping to achieve a level of story telling and interesting gameplay limitations that takes the player on a stressful journey of commanding units. What are peoples thoughts? What do you like? Don't like? Etc.