Shoe has left the building... (Full Version)

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CPT Shoe -> Shoe has left the building... (4/25/2003 12:23:09 AM)

I am leaving in a few hours for a three month deployment...

I will more than likely not have an internet connection where I am going. I appologize in advance to all those that I have games with underway. Please hold on, and we will pick back up where we left off when I get back.

Keep the gaming honest, and don't pick on Jess too bad while I am gone...OK go ahead, he deserves it!:D

Don't start any major battles without me! When I get back I will march to the sounds of the guns.


Hawk -> Hey Good Luck (4/25/2003 2:58:10 AM)

And stay safe where ever your going Bro..... And who knows you might come back an M4 lover!!!!!!;) ;) ;) :p

rbrunsman -> (4/25/2003 4:32:47 AM)

Let me know as soon as you get back because we left off with some of your Grizzlies in my sights and I want to finish them off!:D

Take Care!

M4Jess -> (4/25/2003 5:50:01 AM) safe! come back to me as a M4 lover and I will send Olga over for a nice visit;)

Oh here she is now...."knock knock knock"

Answer the door shoe...answer the dooooor...................

See ya soon my friend!!!!:D :cool:

Goblin -> (4/25/2003 6:09:02 AM)

Watch yourself Shoe, and be careful!

Run if you see Olga coming!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:


Belisarius -> You too? (4/25/2003 1:34:48 PM)

....dang, we need to have a talk with some of the top brass... they can't just come and yank our gaming buddies away like that. ;)

Be safe, Shoe! :D

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