Anyone else finding the AI Italian Navy invincible? (Full Version)

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fatgreta1066 -> Anyone else finding the AI Italian Navy invincible? (12/5/2016 2:54:52 AM)

I'm on intermediate setting, and the Italian Navy consistently kicks the crap out of the Royal Navy. In equal and unequal battles, the damage they inflict is consistently and notably greater than vice versa. Is anyone else finding that to be true? I have a similar concern about AI fighters in interceptor/escort combats, but I don't notice such an obvious discrepancy there.

Hartmann -> RE: Anyone else finding the AI Italian Navy invincible? (12/5/2016 8:40:17 AM)

No, it's just a matter of strategy. As the Allies you should invest into naval weapons and warfare, which will get you ahead of the Italians rather quickly. Until then you should bide your time staying in the Eastern part of the med and abstain from fighting the Italians prematurely, especially not around Italy (or even in the Adriatic) where they are near their ports and have air support. You may also want to get a few more ships down to the med from the North Sea. I always reduce the Regia Marina to 0 somewhere during 1942.

Ohf -> RE: Anyone else finding the AI Italian Navy invincible? (12/5/2016 2:03:27 PM)

I agree with the 1942 takedown of Regia Marina. Before that, the British fleet in the med should stay in port. Get those juicy upgrades and you will make shortwork of it. Send some reinforcements from Britain, add the American fleet and you will have quality and quantity. This fleet can at the same time escort a Torch taskforce.

mavraamides -> RE: Anyone else finding the AI Italian Navy invincible? (12/5/2016 3:21:46 PM)

In my latest game as Allies I found the Italian navy to be a little bit of a nuisance but not a real threat. I have about half the Royal Navy in the med and was using it to pound down the ports to limit supply while I pushed the Afrika Korps out. I got attacked once by the Italian navy and they did some damage. I retreated to the ports I controlled, reinforced and upgraded my ships and then combined with some naval bombers hit them back hard enough to sink 3 BB's and sent the rest scurrying back to Italy.

I guess I could make an effort to hunt them down and wipe them out but my primary role for the Royal Navy right now is supporting the conquest of North Africa. Plus, I have a shiny new teched up fleet from the USN headed there now which will make short work of them if needed.

I think one key is keeping the battle close to your ports and close to your land based air. And the Suez Canal is nice as an escape route for anything that get's really badly damaged.

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