Soviet Build Up of units not working? (Full Version)

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Prepin57 -> Soviet Build Up of units not working? (12/8/2016 8:18:23 PM)

Haven't played in awhile and now Soviet Infantry brigades won't build up to Division, Soviet Calvary Divisions won't build up to Corps and is Jan 1942 on the 1941 Campaign. Did they change all the build up dates for Soviet Units ie. Or delete it altogether? Rule ?? Have hundreds of Admin points not naval brigades etc..

morvael -> RE: Soviet Build Up of units not working? (12/8/2016 8:22:46 PM)

Do you have them under the same HQ?

Prepin57 -> RE: Soviet Build Up of units not working? (12/8/2016 11:11:32 PM)

I do indeed, with multiple stacks of both Inf Brigades and of Calvary Divisions. No luck. Now if I play Case Blue it does work, but not the 1941 Campaign.

821Bobo -> RE: Soviet Build Up of units not working? (12/9/2016 4:53:35 AM)

Brigades can't build divisions in January 42 anymore. It was changed ages ago.
With the cavalry I have no idea. Can you post a screenshot?

Denniss -> RE: Soviet Build Up of units not working? (12/9/2016 8:30:51 AM)

Have all three cav divs at least one movement point left?

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