Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (Full Version)

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pavel01 -> Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (12/16/2016 9:24:47 AM)

I am referring to that found at this link

I am having a hard time to understand how to correctly read it and to what proper corrections should I make to my game's settings in order to anticipate a given production.

For example, in this other thread I read a message saying :


You can dramatically accelerate the arrival of some late models of some air frames very easily. Example:
a. Research the A6M2-N Rufe at 5 factories of size 30.
b. Build the Ha-33 production so that you are building 150-200 extra each month by March 42. (get the pool to 500)
c. As each Rufe research factory gets fully built, switch it to A6M8. You must convert the factory one step at a time: A6M2-N -> A6M5, A6M5 -> A6M5b, A6M5b -> A6M5c, A6M5c -> A6M8. Notice that upgrading along the aircraft's upgrade path does not cause the factory to be damaged and it stays FULLY REPAIRED.
d. Plan on flying the A6M8 starting in late 42 instead of . . . 8/45. Yes, this really works.
e. A similar plan works with the Ki-61Ia -> Ki-61 Ib -> Ki-61 Id -> Ki 61-II KAI -> Ki-100-Ia
f. Or Ki-44-Iia to Ki-44-Iic
g. Or Ki43-Iia -> Ki-43-IIIa or Ki-43-IV
h. Etc.

I do not see how, from that Chart I can drive the information, for example, as indicated in points (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the message in the second linked thread.....

That is, how I can possibly determine -by simply looking at that first link Chart-, that I could possibly anticipate flying A6M8 to late 1942 rather then 8/45........

And that, with any and all Japanese Airplanes included in that Chart....

Furthermore, where in that Chart (first link) is it indicated what point (b) indicates in the message from the second link thread where it is said "b. Build the Ha-33 production so that you are building 150-200 extra each month by March 42. (get the pool to 500) ?

I mean, where does one get the info that it is necessary to "build 150-200 extra each Month by March '42 (get the pool to 500)" ?

Thanks for the help !!

Encircled -> RE: Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (12/16/2016 10:12:02 AM)

Look for the "japanese production primer" guide on here by njp.

Read that and it all becomes clear*

*well, clearer!

GetAssista -> RE: Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (12/16/2016 3:54:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: pavel01
I do not see how, from that Chart I can drive the information, for example, as indicated in points (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the message in the second linked thread.....

Chart only gives you the understanding of which AC model follows which one. Read what
Encircled advised you. Also forum threads currently discussed are more than clear WRT AC research.

In fact the chart is in game (use Intelligence screen -> AC replacement pool) and there is no need for any 3rd party pictures. Even more so because AC upgrade paths/engines/stats can depend on the scenario.

BBfanboy -> RE: Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (12/16/2016 4:45:11 PM)


Pavel01: I mean, where does one get the info that it is necessary to "build 150-200 extra each Month by March '42 (get the pool to 500)" ?

You get that info from playing the game or reading lots of AARs in which the Japanese player describes their losses and which aircraft they wish they had built more of. So when an experienced IJ player gives that advice, he has already saved you a lot of time and effort.
Be aware though that no two games are exactly the same, so you will have to play for a while to learn to adapt your aircraft selections to how your opponent plays the game.

Numdydar -> RE: Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (12/16/2016 8:01:21 PM)

Always happy to provide a link [:)] This thing has been downloaded 2710 times [X(] All I can say is WOW. Thanks to everyone here for the support. Amazing group [:)]

SheperdN7 -> RE: Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (12/16/2016 11:39:50 PM)

Just remember that there is no perfect formula for the economy. For example I'm a fan of the Ki-61 Tony, others think I'm bloody crazy and I, among others think they are crazy. I don't bother with anymore Zero's after A6M5, a lot of players will go for the A6M8. I think they're nuts, they think I'm nuts.

Lesson of the day- To each their own.

And ALWAYS take shots of reality when dealing with the economy. Always.

obvert -> RE: Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (12/16/2016 11:44:30 PM)



Just remember that there is no perfect formula for the economy. For example I'm a fan of the Ki-61 Tony, others think I'm bloody crazy and I, among others think they are crazy. I don't bother with anymore Zero's after A6M5, a lot of players will go for the A6M8. I think they're nuts, they think I'm nuts.

Lesson of the day- To each their own.

And ALWAYS take shots of reality when dealing with the economy. Always.

Um, well, there's a bit more consensus than that.

The Ki-61 isn't worth the service 3 unless you're playing PDU-off.

The A6M5 doesn't have armor, so you lose a lot of good pilots. Get the A6M5c.

SheperdN7 -> RE: Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (12/17/2016 12:30:50 AM)

Well you'll have to combine it with a service rating 1 airframe, preferably Ki-44.

InfiniteMonkey -> RE: Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (12/17/2016 1:57:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: pavel01

I am referring to that found at this link

I am having a hard time to understand how to correctly read it and to what proper corrections should I make to my game's settings in order to anticipate a given production.

For example, in this other thread I read a message saying :


You can dramatically accelerate the arrival of some late models of some air frames very easily. Example:
a. Research the A6M2-N Rufe at 5 factories of size 30.
b. Build the Ha-33 production so that you are building 150-200 extra each month by March 42. (get the pool to 500)
c. As each Rufe research factory gets fully built, switch it to A6M8. You must convert the factory one step at a time: A6M2-N -> A6M5, A6M5 -> A6M5b, A6M5b -> A6M5c, A6M5c -> A6M8. Notice that upgrading along the aircraft's upgrade path does not cause the factory to be damaged and it stays FULLY REPAIRED.
d. Plan on flying the A6M8 starting in late 42 instead of . . . 8/45. Yes, this really works.
e. A similar plan works with the Ki-61Ia -> Ki-61 Ib -> Ki-61 Id -> Ki 61-II KAI -> Ki-100-Ia
f. Or Ki-44-Iia to Ki-44-Iic
g. Or Ki43-Iia -> Ki-43-IIIa or Ki-43-IV
h. Etc.

I do not see how, from that Chart I can drive the information, for example, as indicated in points (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the message in the second linked thread.....

That is, how I can possibly determine -by simply looking at that first link Chart-, that I could possibly anticipate flying A6M8 to late 1942 rather then 8/45........

And that, with any and all Japanese Airplanes included in that Chart....

Furthermore, where in that Chart (first link) is it indicated what point (b) indicates in the message from the second link thread where it is said "b. Build the Ha-33 production so that you are building 150-200 extra each month by March 42. (get the pool to 500) ?

I mean, where does one get the info that it is necessary to "build 150-200 extra each Month by March '42 (get the pool to 500)" ?

Thanks for the help !!

• For every 100 research points you accumulate for an aircraft, the arrival date is accelerated one month. There are not any diminishing returns in research. 100 points = one month.
• Research factories produce research points very similarly to how they produce the aircraft themselves. Instead of an aircraft, you get a research point. They do not also do not consume engines.
• Unlike aircraft factories, research factories only contribute toward research progress when they are fully repaired.
• If you have 500 of the engine that powers the plane you are researching, you get an extra point towards research progress at each factory that produces a research point in a given turn. Research points granted from the engine bonus cost you an engine.
• Research factories will not repair if you do not have sufficient supply.
• Research factories convert to their upgrade plane for free. e.g. a fully repaired A6M5 research factory converts to a fully repaired A6M5b research factory (in Scenario 1)
• Research factories do not repair every turn. The chance that an R&D factory will repair is the size of the factory in the number of days til arrival for the aircraft. A size 30 factory will have about a 1 in 12 chance to repair when the you are a year before arrival. It would repair every day (assuming good supply) when you are less than 30 days from the arrival date.
• On average, the time to fully repair an unrepaired factory will be ~63% of the time to arrival. The mathematics are fun, but can be found here:
• Japan has 74 research factories on 12/7/41
• Aircraft become available without research on their arrival date
• Research factories convert to production factories when the aircraft they are researching arrives.
• The optimal size for a research factory is 30.

So, given the above, why are the following true?


ORIGINAL: InfiniteMonkey
b. Build the Ha-33 production so that you are building 150-200 extra each month by March 42. (get the pool to 500)

To get the engine bonus, you have to build the pool of engines A6M8 uses (the Ha-33) to 500 so that when the factories are repaired and begin researching, the engine bonus kicks in. With the bonus, you get 10 points per day. Without it, you get 5. If you get 10, you also consume 5 of the engines. If you are consuming 5 engines per day in research, you have to produce 150 per month to maintain a pool of 500. As soon as the pool dips below 500, you lose the bonus. So if you have 507 engines and 10 x 30 size research factories, you will get 17 (18?) research points that turn - 10 for your factories, plus 7 (8?) bonus from the engines.


ORIGINAL: InfiniteMonkey
c. As each Rufe research factory gets fully built, switch it to A6M8. You must convert the factory one step at a time: A6M2-N -> A6M5, A6M5 -> A6M5b, A6M5b -> A6M5c, A6M5c -> A6M8. Notice that upgrading along the aircraft's upgrade path does not cause the factory to be damaged and it stays FULLY REPAIRED.

In scenario 1, that is just how the planes upgrade. If you leave an A6M2-N factory with upgrade set and the A6M5 becomes available, you will no longer have an A6M2-N factory. It will become an fully repaired A6M5 factory of the same size at no charge. When a research factory is changed from the aircraft it is researching to the upgrade to that aircraft, the factory is not damaged.


ORIGINAL: InfiniteMonkey
d. Plan on flying the A6M8 starting in late 42 instead of . . . 8/45. Yes, this really works.

The A6M2-N due to arrive 4/1/1942, which is 115 days from game start. An A6M2-N research factory undamaged on 12/7/1941 will fully repair approximately 2/17/1942 or 72 days later. Note that some will take longer, some will repair faster. This is an average based upon mathematical analysis. See the links above for details of that analysis.

Okay, so on or about 2/17/1942 I can convert those research factories to A6M8 research as they repair. The factories will stay fully repaired and immediately begin research on the A6M8.

Suppose for a minute that all my factories repair on the same day (they most likely will not, but this is average we are talking here). If I have 5 factories repaired, I get 5 points per day without the engine bonus, or 10 with it. See above. Get 500 Ha-33 and make sure you are producing at least 150 per month above your other requirements. Now, every 10 days, my arrival date slide forward by a month. IN one month, my arrival date slide forward 3 months. From there, it is just algebra.

Assuming all factories repair on 2/17 and are immediately converted, your A6M8's will arrive on

# fact #dev eng x days new arrival
1 30 2 789 4/16/1944
2 60 2 574 9/14/1943
3 90 2 451 5/14/1943
4 120 2 371 2/23/1943
5 150 2 316 12/30/1942
6 180 2 275 11/19/1942
7 210 2 243 10/18/1942
8 240 2 218 9/23/1942
9 270 2 198 9/3/1942
10 300 2 181 8/17/1942

Your results will vary based upon actual repair dates, but not by a whole heck of a lot. PM me and I will send you a spreadsheet you can use to calculate the expected arrival dates.

Numdydar -> RE: Could anyone please help me to "how to" read the Japanese AC upgrade chart ? (12/17/2016 1:38:12 PM)

In Scen 1 with PDU OFF, I went through each of the Zero line upgrades since you need each type in order to upgrade units. So I was not able to beeline to the A6M8's like you can with PDU ON. With that said I was able to get the A6M5c version 6 months early. April '44 instead of Oct '44. As a actual game result.

The one thing I do not see in the above analysis is taken into account the much reduced repair rate on R&D factories that are producing research points on planes more than two years ahead of the current game turn. That does have an impact on the above timeline.

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