OxfordGuy3 -> RE: The meaning of pockets (1/31/2017 3:50:32 PM)
ORIGINAL: Bylandt11 I agree with most others here. Being cut off should be more severely penalized. Like 1 strength point loss each turn. Or simply mass surrender after two turns or so. This would actually make the game a lot more interesting. Less slogfest, more war of manoeuvre. This game is better than Order of Battle or Unity of Command. But it could use their harsh treatment of pockets. If the pocketed units are actually at 0 supply, then I agree they should start to suffer step losses, lose entrenchment and a ton of morale/readiness If the pocketed units and/or nearby HQs can't trace supply to a primary or secondary supply source, but can to a city/town that provides some supply then I don't think they should lose step points, but they perhaps shouldn't be able to increase entrenchment and should be more harshly penalised on morale/readiness than currently each turn they remain this way (unless in a fortress, perhaps).