bo -> RE: This game is for people with good eyes (1/1/2017 3:02:28 AM)
"Moles are not blind, as most people believe. They do have eyes and internal ears, but these are very small to prevent them being clogged up and damaged during tunnelling. Although they can see, the mole's eyesight is poor, with no ability to detect colours, just light from dark and movement." Please Mr. Xwormwood do not tell me the mole on the hill has better eyes than you, [:(] the quote from above is from an animal pamphlet informing the readers about moles eyes. My uncle once said "I lost all my hair, all my teeth are gone, I need bifocals but still can't see, have a hearing aid but still don't hear well, I am no better than a worm in the garden, oh well! [:@] Bo